Additional challenges!

Happy end of term!

We hope you have all received our weekly blog about RE and art learning for the next week. Please find below some additional spellings to learn. Perhaps you could look for them in books or ask one of your parents to write some simple sentences containing them for you to practise reading the words in context?

they    one     come     school

Some new challenges have also been set on sumdog. We hope that you are all enjoying using sumdog or if you haven’t yet been on, use this opportunity to get familiar with it. This regular exposure to maths tasks is very valuable and we try to set specific challenges for the children which they can do. Remember that the initial assessment is a bit tricky but once that is done the children will be targeted with specific activities so it is worth sticking with!

We have also received the following from the Hampshire Schools Library Service. The revamped Reading Challenge for these unprecedented times!

Hampshire SLS would like to encourage all pupils to read during this stay at home period. Why not take part in our #ReadAtHome challenge? We are asking pupils to read 6 books (although you can read more if you wish) and submit a short review for each title here.

Once completed pupils can download a certificate, which will be made available shortly!

Have a happy and safe Easter

The year 1 team

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