Another busy week in year 1
What a busy week we have had again… The rain has not dampened our spirits and the children have continued to show enthusiasm for their learning.
In maths this week we have been learning about teen numbers and how to make them using tens and ones. We have been using all sort of tools to make and record what we have found out as well as making number sentences to demonstrate their understanding.
In English we have been continuing our look at old and new toys and have started to make our information leaflets, comparing the two. As a separate series of inputs we have been thinking about how adding ‘ed’ to ‘doing words’ (verbs) helps us to say what has happened in the past.
We have had a visit from a drama company who ran a workshop with the children that they very much enjoyed.
We are having a big focus on forming our numbers correctly . We hope you have found the sticker in the home school book to support us in this endeavour! In phonics we are looking at how using the sound buttons can help us to decode more tricky words, and reading ‘alien’ words. More about this at the phonics parent workshop on Tuesday next week at 2.30.
Old and New!
This week we have been discovering even more about how toys have changed. We have found out about the materials that toys are made from. In English we are beginning to gather the information that we need to make our own information leaflets. We have been labelling and asking questions about toys so that we can include these in our leaflets.
In maths we are going to be exploring teen numbers. The children will learn how to make and partition teen numbers into tens and ones. It would be a fantastic opportunity to practice this with your child over the weekend.
The children have been learning about animals in science. They have been using words such as reptile, mammal and amphibian to describe them. What types of animals can they find this weekend?
Have a lovely weekend
Year 1 Team
Welcome back to the new term! It is lovely to see the children after our 2 week break… and how busy we have been! We have all got down to our learning quickly and are enjoying our new topics.
We have started out topic this term on toys by watching some trailers from Toy Story and talking about our favourite toys. Today we painted and drew them too.
In maths we are learning about money: the different denominations, finding totals of ‘purses’ as well as solving problems.
In English we have started to read the book ‘Toys in Space’ on which we will be basing the next couple of weeks work. We have been particularly thinking about the characters in the story and describing them using interesting adjectives. We have introduced the children to the words ‘noun’ and ‘adjective’.
The year 1 team