Welcome back
Summer term has begun! We can not believe how fast this year has gone. We have started our new topic- the great outdoors. We will be focusing on a lot of outdoor learning, animals, insects etc.
In English we have started our new text ‘diary of a fly’. We put ourselves in to the shoes of a fly, using prepositions to think about what we could see if we were a fly from up above or down below. We then wrote our own diary entry pretending to be a fly!
In maths this week we have been focusing on 2 digit numbers. We have been looking specifically at the tens and ones within a number- for example 32 is made of 30 and 2.
This term we have our big school trip of the year to Marwell zoo on the 15th May! Please check your child’s bag for the letter to be completed and sent back to us as soon as possible. We have limited spaces on the coach for adult helpers, so if you have filled in that you are able to attend we will be in contact with you to confirm whether your support is needed. Thank you for your continued support and getting the letters back to us swiftly.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year One team