A tale to tell

Welcome back! After a lovely 2 week break it is great to have everyone back in to school and straight in to their learning. We have started our new topic ‘a tale to tell’ based around fairytales.

In maths we have launched a LEGO competition! Over the holidays Miss Shaw and Mrs Layton built their own lego houses. The children have guessed how many bricks they think we used. Whoever has the closest guess will win a lego prize! We have been learning to count in 2s to help us count the bricks quicker. When we have learnt how to count in 2s we will reveal the winner! Ask your children to show you a bar model and a part part whole model and get them to explain how it works.

In English we have started our new text- the three little pigs. We have been retelling the story, remembering the well known key phrases. Next week we will begin to rewrite the story.

Date for your diary- Tuesday 5th February at 10:00 will be our liturgy. All family members welcome.

Have a restful weekend after a busy first week back!

The Year One Team

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