Christmas is coming…

Nativity practice has started this week, it is really starting to come together already, it is not easy to organise and plan 120 children!
Costume letters have been sent out to inform you of your child’s role. If you do not have this letter please let us know. Please do not feel the need to go out and buy new costumes, use items from home, borrow from friends, wear a glittery party dress for a star (for example) etc. If you are really stuck we have some bits of costumes at school and will be happy to help.
Nativity tickets are also available now. Letters to request tickets can be collected from the office. We have 2 perfomances-
Monday 10th December at 10am
Tuesday 11th December at 1.30pm

Reminder, this upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday is parents evening. Please book in at the office if you haven’t booked an appointment online.

On Thursday we were invited over to Oaklands chapel for our RE lesson. We learnt about different prayers and meanings. We discussed different prayers for different times of the day. Thank you to Miss Keogh for having us.

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