
Our amazing dinosaur learning continues…

This we week in English we will be starting our new text- HOW TO GROW A DINOSAUR! It is a fantastic book with beautiful illustrations to really hook the children in. Don’t forget to ask your child about their new learning each day.

In maths  we will be learning to add two amounts together. We will be using all of our maths tools to help us, such as beadstrings, numicon, multilink and counters. If you are counting at home, you can use any objects around the house to help e.g raisins, shoes, lego. We encourage children to draw their objects when counting to help them understand that adding is combining.

Reminder- Tuesday 9th October at 10:00 is Year One’s liturgy. Keep an eye on the blog, if you are unable to make it, we shall post some pictures.

Have a lovely week

The year one team

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