Back to school

It was lovely to hear and see pictures of Year Ones adventures in the snow over the weekend.

Thank you to everyone who made it to parents evening this week. It was lovely to share what fantastic progress every single child has made in Year One so far.

This week our story ‘the way back home’ by Oliver Jeffers comes to an end. Tomorrow we will be writing our own versions of the story. Some children have changed the moon in their story to a star or even Hawaii! Others have changed the plane to a rocket and even a jet pack!

Something to practice at home- this week in our writing we have been using question marks accurately- you could practice writing questions about anything- as we know they like to ask  lots of questions! We have also been focusing on using ‘and’ to join our sentences together.

Next week in English is very exciting- we can’t give too much away. Ask your child on Monday what they have found.

In maths we have continued counting on a number line but this week focusing on subtraction. Next week we will be moving on to mass. We will be weighing different toys and using balance scales to help us reason which toys are heavier/ lighter.

Reminder- we have the phonics workshop on Wednesday 14th March at 10:30. It will start with a talk with Mrs Knight about the phonics screening  check and then you will be able to come down to the classroom to experience some of the phonics activities we do in school with your child.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One team



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