This week our topic ‘a tale to tell’ has been linked to our maths and literacy learning.
In literacy we have been reading the ‘true’ story of the three little pigs as told by the wolf himself. Next week we will find a letter from the wolf – addressed to Mr Cunningham! I wonder what it could be about?
In maths we have continued our learning of counting in 2s but through money. We have told the children that if they can count all of the 2ps in the purses then the teachers can take our 2ps to the shops and buy some ingredients to make gingerbread men on Monday morning! Next we will be moving on to counting in 10s using baking trays of gingerbread men (you can only fit ten gingerbread men cutters on one tray)
In phonics this week we have been recapping these sounds-
e-e ea ee
Reminder- the poetry competition will be held in Year One the last week before half term. Plenty of time to keep practicing- booklets can be downloaded from parent mail if lost- if not ask the class teachers.