Welcome back
Hope you all had a lovely and well rested Easter. We have a short term this term so have lots to fit in! We have started our new topic ‘the amazing outdoors’. This week we have been sorting packets of seeds into 5s- we are very good at our 5 X table now- please practice at home to keep it up!
In English we have been reading Julia Donaldson- What the lady bird heard, we have focused on the characters the robbers, using adjectives to describe them. There were rumours they may be coming in to school next week to see us, so we have written questions to ask them, such as-
Why did you not just buy a cow? Have you always been robbers? How did you know the prize cow was there? Have you learnt your lesson now?
As we enter the month of May, Mary will be a focus of our worship and RE lessons. If children wish to produce homelearning around Mary, that would be wonderful. The internet has lots of lovely activities they could do.
Date for your diaries- we have a trip to Marwell zoo booked- Thursday 18th May. A letter will be out shortly, stating all the details. If you are able to attend as a parent helper and have been CRB checked through the school, please let us know.
Happy Easter
The whole of the Year One team wish you all a restful and fun-filled Easter holiday. Please keep up with the reading, phonics and maths so that we are ready for the Summer Term.
Attached below is the Home Learning Adventure Pyramid for our new topic, The Great Outdoors for when we return. With the beautiful Spring weather that is forecast, some activities can be completed over the break.
Please click on link to enlarge:
The Amazing Outdoors HL pyramid
Click below for our weekly prayer newsletter.