Monthly Archives: February, 2017


Welcome back  Year One, we have started our new topic toys!


Some dates for your diaries for this new term-

Thursday 2nd March- World book day. All children are invited to dress up as a character from a book of their choice.

Tuesday 7th March- we would love for all of Year One to bring in a toy from home to share with the class. Please be sensible with toy choices- nothing very special or breakable or electronic- thank you.

Happy Half Term!

Half Term has come around and we wish you a restful and peace filled time. We have sent your children home with some Year One words to learn by heart. Please help your children read and write these by heart. Making a set  of flashcards might be a nice Home Learning activity over the break. We have also sent home a new Home Learning pyramid has also been stuck into your child’s Home Learning Adventure Book.

WE look forward to seeing you on Monday 27th

From The Year One Team

Year One Liturgy

Wow. Year One you have blown us away. The Liturgy this morning was absolutely fantastic. You behaved impeccably, the acting was superb and the reading was marvellous.

Thank you to Father Vitalis for leading us in our worship.

Thank you to all who made it to worship with us this morning, here are some pictures if you were unable to attend.

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What are we learning?

This week we have been learning the days of the week and the months of the year- ask your  children to sing the songs they have been learning to you!

Next week we will be learning to tell the time. In Year One we focus on telling the time to the hour and half past the hour. Over the weekend- lots of questions asking your child the time will be very helpful!

In literacy we have been writing information texts- we have focused on different types of houses. We have been labelling houses with different features.

In RE we have been learning the story of the Good Samaritan- acting it out and discussing what the story tells us.

Remember: Year One Liturgy 10:15 Tuesday 7th February