Dates for the diary
Tuesday 7th February Year one will be leading a liturgy in which all parents are welcome to attend.
We will begin our worship at 10:15, we hope to see you there! If you can not attend, look out on the blog for pictures.
Thursday 16th February there will be a phonics workshop. Starting at 2:15 Mrs Knight will lead a talk with information about phonics in Year One, the phases of phonics and provide useful websites and resources. Then you will have the opportunity to observe a phonics lesson within class.
What does counting in 2s look like in Year 1?
Singing/ reciting counting in 2s.
Filling in the missing numbers
Use physical objects to count in 2s- it is very important for children to understand the quantity of 2.
Give children a real life context for counting in 2s. For example counting in 2p coins to purchase something.
Some children will be able to do this with resources, however within the classroom setting the children will be expected to count up to 100 using a range of resources, numicon, deans, beadstring, on a numberline etc.
A tale to tell…
Wow, what a fun filled few days back. Everyone seems well rested and ready to get straight back in to learning!
We have started a new topic- A tale to tell
All based on fairy tales!
A new homework pyramid has been stuck into the children’s homelearning books.
We have started looking at the story of the 3 little pigs- subtracting building materials in Maths to retelling the story in English.
Next week we will be moving on to counting in 2s in Maths and looking at the characters specifically in English.
We have assessed the children in phonics this week and have found out what the gaps are in their phonological knowledge that need plugging.Over the next term we will be using this understanding to revisit sounds from across all the phases.
Please support your child with practicing reading, saying and finding examples of each sound as well as making up ‘alien’ words using the sound.
Thank you for bringing in all of the children’s baby photos/ books etc- it has been a great learning opportunity for the children to relate their own birth to the birth of Jesus.
We are looking forward to the next weeks learning!