Hello Dolphins and Turtles
What did the ladybird hear? Year 1 have been finding out all about it! We have loved reading the wonderful Julia Donaldson book ‘What the ladybird heard’. We have made posters and written our own version of the story.
We enjoyed programming BeeBots around a map using half and quarter turns in our directions.
We have also been amazed as we continue to watch our plants grow.
Hello Turtles and Dolphins!
We have begun our new topic ‘The Great Outdoors’ and have thoroughly embrace the outside. We have been planting pea, cornflowers, cress, spinach and bean seeds and the Year 1 area is looking like a greenhouse!
We have been slowly taking over the Mary Garden and the children have been taking their learning out into the sunshine.
Welcome Back!
It was great to see so many refreshed faces yesterday and the children had lots of stories to tell about their Easter holidays.
This half term we will be learning about habitats. The home learning pyramid is attached and will also be sent home in your child’s home learning adventure book.
I have also attached the RE home learning, also in your child’s home learning adventure.
Click on attachments below.
We look forward to updating you all about our time in school soon.
Mrs. Luter