
We are enjoying our learning in Year 1.  cartoon smile

This week we began our new topic Journeys.  We have been busy writing letters to a selected author about how we can help to write interesting sentences to his book that only has pictures.  We found this very exciting!

In numeracy we have been exploring adding objects and numbers together and showing our number sentence on a number line.  We find this quite tricky but we feel we are growing with confidence every time we use number lines.

We enjoyed our whole school liturgy and meeting Bishop Philip bishop philip  on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, the whole school attended Remembrance Service.  poppy 1   This was a time when we had the opportunity to remember all the soldiers who fought and died for our country.  We continued our learning about Remembrance Day in the afternoon by making our own poppies, writing poems and making models.

Home Learning!   cartoon home learning

Please continue to learn phase 3,4 and 5 sounds of letters and sounds.  These can be found in the beginning of your home school diaries.  Can you also read cartoon reading bookdaily with your child?

All children have new books on Bug Club and numeracy work on Abacus.  Encourage your child to explore Bug Club and Abacus as much as possible.  This is a fun way of continuing your child’s learning at home.

On Tuesday is our second parents evening.  If you have not yet made an appointment with us, please come and ask for a time.  We will look forward to seeing you then!

Have a lovely weekend from the Year 1 Team!

smiley face