Another Fun Packed Week!



We hope you all had a lovely and relaxed half term. cartoon smile

This week we have completed our stories writing 1 and soon there will be a copy in the library for all the children to read.  Well Done Year 1!

We have enjoyed our learning in numeracy of more and less more and less  and we are becoming more confident in finding the answer to written number problems.

We enjoyed creating firework pictures firework 1 using pastels and glitter.

For home learning this week, could you continue reading cartoon reading bookyour school reading books, Bug Club and Abacus.

As always, continue learning Phase 3,4 and 5 sounds of Letters and Sounds.  These can be found at the beginning of the Home School Diary.

With it being Remembrance Day poppy 1 on Wednesday, you might like to write some sentences about Remembrance Day or draw a picture.

Remember this is about having funcartoon home learning whilst learning, so be as creative as you can.

The year 1 team are looking forward to welcoming our parents to parents evening on Monday.  We hope to see you there so we can share your child’s fabulous learning.

On Tuesday we are very much looking forward to the Bishop cross visiting St Peter’s and our Remembrance Mass poppy 2 on Wednesday.

 Thank you for your continued support!

smiley face