We are having a great time in year 1!
We Are To Become Authors!
In year 1, we have been planning our own stories for the school library. We have been thinking about what characters could be in our story and using adjectives to describe them. Next we are going to be planning our setting ready for when we write our story after the half term. We are all very excited about becoming authors!
In numeracy we have enjoyed learning about fractions. We have been experimenting our fraction knowledge with halving and moving onto quarters.
Reading has been a blast! We have been reading with our teachers and friends and we are becoming more confident as the days and weeks go by. A big pat on the back to all of us in year 1!
Please remember to continue home learning as we all enjoy listening and looking at the marvellous learning that you do at home.
Keep Up The Good Work!
From the Year 1 Team