A Wonderful Day at Staunton!
To support our learning about animals we visited Staunton today.
It was a lovely day and for us, seeing the children in a different environment at this stage in year 1, was wonderful. We have created some real chatterboxes – full of excitement and curiosity. I really feel that we are becoming ready to move into year 2.
Home Learning
We were really inspired last week by the children from year 2 who came to visit us with their home learning. We have been enjoying listening to Hannah’s book about animals and were very impressed with Niamh’s home made guinea pig cage. She says she still hasn’t managed to persuade her mum to buy her a hamster! Niamh also brought in a nest from home. We were fascinated about how it had been so carefully made.
National Book Week Activities
This week is National Book Week with a non-fiction focus. We, as you already know, have been learning lots about different animals and animal groups. This week we are recording some of the facts that we have learned in our own non-fiction books. The children are working really hard on using capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and conjunctions. We are going to display our books in local vetinary surgery waiting rooms so that visitors can learn more about different animals.
In maths we have been grouping animals and starting to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We played SPLAT the multiples and did very well. You can find this game at home just google splat number square!
Hard to believe that we are half way through the half term, let’s hope this weather improves soon!
Mrs. Luter
Turtle Class Assembly
Well done Turtles! What an amazing assembly! There were all sorts of different animals – reptiles, mammals, birds, fish and amphibians. But unfortunately the animals were not very kind to each other! Luckily Barry the Fish with Fingers showed the animals that our differences are a good thing. Well done again Turtles!
Other news!
Mrs. Allen’s class have been working really hard on measuring this week and will continue their learning next week. They have been learning about St. Peter and how he spread the good news about Jesus’s resurrection. We have also heard all about how Jesus called Himself the ‘Good Shepherd’ and how we can become good shepherds for our friends and families.
Have a lovely extended weekend!
Mrs. Luter