Well we can hardly believe that this term has come to an end!
We have learned so much about homes and toys through our learning contexts. We have developed our number skills and are becoming more confident applying maths in a variety of situations. We have been counting in multiples and adding 10 more and finding ten less. Keep practising!! We are so happy with the children’s commitment to their phonics learning and we are seeing some amazing progress. Keep reading over the holidays it makes a big difference to your children’s ability to retain their phonics learning.
In writing we have written instructions to include persuassive hooks and top tips – all to persuade the Pigs to build better homes. We loved our trip to the Weald and Downland and enjoyed finding out about homes in the past and how they were built. We then had a visit from two astronauts who are taking a one way ticket to Mars. We found out what their homes were going to be like!
Well that’s just a snapshot but we look forward to giving you weekly updates about our learning next term! Our topic is Amazing Animals and we are already getting excited thinking about all the exciting opportunities for learning. If any of you know someone who works with animals we would love to set up some visits. Please let us know.
All that is left to say is thank you for all your support and please have a happy, safe and holy Easter.
Mrs. Luter