A Wonderful Christmassy Week!

Mrs. Allen and I would like to congratulate the children on their wonderful nativity this week. We are so proud of them! The children have been learning about Mary and Joseph’s long journey to Bethlehem and the nativity really brought this to life for them. Our nativity was called ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?’ and we can certainly answer ‘yes’ to that question now! One week until the Christmas break when we can really enjoy some family time and preparations for the big day.

Tomorrow we are off to Hilliers in Southampton where the children will be able to see their art work that they created in school. Don’t forget to wrap up warm!

Thank you for encouraging your children to use Abacus at home, it really is making a big difference to the children’s learning in maths. We add new games weekly linked to the children’s learning so please continue to make this a part of your child’s home learning.

Have a wonderful week. Not long to go now!

Mrs. Luter and Mrs. Allen

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