At the beginning of this week the whole school walked to the Sacred Heart Church for an Advent service. Every class contributed. Year one shared their ‘journey spirals’ which showed what Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem may have been like. Year one and two joined together to sing ‘Come Worship Him’, a hymn that we know you will all enjoy at our forthcoming Nativity ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?’.
In class we have been thinking about how we can get our hearts ready for the birth of Jesus. We have made our own class wreaths and focussed on the candle of Hope this week. It is so easy to get carried away with the hustle and bustle of Christmas time!
It has become rather chilly this week and the children have begun to learn how to read thermometers which are part of the weather station that we have set up to study throughout the year. I wonder what the weather was like on Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem?
Only two weeks left of this term it hardly seems possible. We hope that your preparations for Christmas are going smoothly.
Mrs.Luter and Mrs.Allen