Home Learning over Half Term…

As part of our Summer Extreme Reading challenge we would like you to get ‘out and about’ reading over half term. If you are going to the beach for the day or down to the park for a picnic, why not take a book with you to read in the fresh air? Try to read something once a day- comics, magazines, food menus, leafletsĀ all count too!

readin on the beach reading outside

We also have until the 6th June to make the most of our Bug Club online reading books trial. If the trial is successful, and we have good feedback from children, parents and teachers, then we will be investing in this for September.


Please use this as much as you can over half term!

Letters and Sounds

As you will hopefully be aware the Phonics Screening Check is scheduled to take place in the week beginning 16th June. Please read as often as possible with your child, encouraging them to use all the sounds they know to sound out words and blend them together to read them. Encourage your children to play games such as ‘Buried Treasure’, ‘Picnic on Pluto’ and ‘Dragon’s Den’ on Phonics Play.




Thank you for your support.

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