Summer Term

Hello Reception and Reception parents!

Miss Rhoades and I hope you have had a wonderful half term, enjoying some of the nice weather and getting lots of rest after working really hard. We have been busy bees planning lots of lovely things for you to do this half term.

We are really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, but there are a few things to remember:

-This Thursday 4th June is Green day– if your child has chosen to do sport, they will need to have kit in school and if they have chosen the DVD option then they are welcome to bring pajamas to change in to.

-This Friday 5th June is Sports Day– you have been sent a letter about how to dress your child for the day. Please check their home learning diary if you are not sure of which house they are in as it is written on the front.

-Please do  not send in any form of chocolate spread as there are children with severe nut allergies within the school.

-Please remember water bottles, coats, sun cream and hats depending on the day. We go to the woods whatever the weather!


Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,


Miss Moncreaff and Miss Rhoades

What we’ve been up to!

In Year R we have been having lots of fun outdoors, enjoying the nice (and not so nice) weather! We have been learning about growing and gardening through our discovery as well as our literacy and numeracy sessions, and are loving the current topic. Ask us what we have been up to!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Fun padding in the stream!

Finally the wind has dropped and the sun has come out! We have had such a lovely afternoon paddling in the water stream, experiencing the feeling of cold water on our toes! It has promoted such wonderful speech and language and has provided a wonderful experience for many of the children.


Fun in the stream Fun in the stream!

Home Learning

Home Learning for this week…


Letters and Sounds:

Miss Moncreaff’s Phonics Group:

Blending and segmenting CVC words

Miss Rhoades Phonics Group:

er and tricky words her

Mrs O’Carolan’s Group:

tricky words: spotting high frequency words/ tricky words in the stories we are reading


Number Crunch:

Addition and subtraction.


Can you record any number sentences? What can you use to help you work out the answer?

Gardening Equipment and Tools Plea!

Dear Parents,

We are really enjoying the warmer weather and have all been enjoying gardening, digging and looking for mini-beasts.

We would really appreciate any kind donations of gardening equipment, seeds, plants, pots etc that you may have lying around at home or sitting in the shed. We are desperately short of wheelbarrows, trowels, gardening gloves and plants!

Thank you for all of your support and any donations would be greatly received!

Thank you!!!





Home Learning

Home Learning for this week…

Letters and Sounds:

Miss Moncreaff’s and Miss Rhoades Phonics Group:

ear, air, ure and tricky words they

Mrs O’Carolan’s Group:

tricky words: were, there, little, one and learning to spell words with adjacent consonants eg street, spring, think

Number Crunch:

Number and measure skills through cookery eg measuring ingredients, halving vegetables to create vegetable soup

Extra Home Learning Challenge:

Have you got Liturgy words in your bookbag? If so, please learn these at home

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone after a sunny 2 weeks off school! We hope you have all had a wonderful, restful break.

Our new topic of ‘growing’ began this week and already the children have been gardening in the outdoor area, exploring different fruits and vegetables and creating their own recipe for vegetable soup (although some recipes contain strawberries…not sure the grown ups will be trying that one!).

For home learning this week please dip into our new home learning pyramid which can be found below by clicking this link …. Home Learning Pyramid

Paper copies will be given out at the end of this week.


Easter Home Learning

Home Learning for this week…

Letters and Sounds:

Miss Moncreaff’s and Miss Rhoades Phonics Group:

oo, ar, or and tricky words no, go

Mrs O’Carolan’s Group:

tricky words: she, we, me, be and learning to spell words with adjacent consonants eg street, spring, think

Number Crunch:

Number bonds to 10…how many different ways can we make 10 using two numbers? Eg 5+5=10, 4+6=10

Easter Home Learning Challenge:

Can you share your Library book with a family member or friend? Why did you choose this book at the library? What was your favourite part? Who were the main characters in the book? What type of book is it? (non-fiction or fiction)


Have a wonderful Easter everyone!!!!!

Our super trip to the Library!

Wow! What a fantastic morning/afternoon we have all had today! On behalf of everyone that works in Early Years I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time today to help Starfish and Seahorse class.

We had such a fantastic visit and have all thoroughly enjoyed our day. In the Library, one of the Librarians gave a talk about the Library and the types of books we might find there, she also read a really funny story! We then went on a treasure hunt to look for different types of books!! We were also given the opportunity to look at some of the books in the Library and were all allowed to take one home and borrow it for a short period of time!

We have absolutely loved our day at the Library!!

Miss Rhoades

Home Learning 27.3.15

Home Learning for this week…

Letters and Sounds:

Miss Moncreaff’s and Miss Rhoades Phonics Group:

ai, ee, igh, oa and tricky words was my

Mrs O’Carolan’s Group:

tricky words: do, what, when, out and learning to spell words with adjacent consonants eg street, spring, think


Number Crunch:

Learning to name and describe 3D shapes.


Thank you!