Author Archive: Miss R Moncreaff

Chick Holiday Diary Day 2!

“We have been having so much fun at Miss Moncreaff’s house! We have been sleeping soundly most of the time as well as having lots of cuddles! One of us keeps sitting in the food bowl but, as comfy as we are, we can’t wait to come back to school to see you all!

Lots of love,

The Chicks xxx”

Chick Holiday Diary!

“We have been having a lovely time staying with Miss Moncreaff! On the way home we were very noisy because the car isn’t quite as warm as the heat lamp. We fell over like dominoes at every single roundabout! Once we got home Miss Moncreaff cleaned us out and gave us some fresh water and food. We have had lots of cuddles and keep falling asleep!

After a lovely night sleeping we woke up to fresh grapes. We didn’t know what they were and kept treading on them instead of eating them so Miss Moncreaff had to give us a bath to wash our feet! We disapproved. We will be sure to write again tomorrow! Lots of love,

The Chicks xxxx

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Class Assembly

I would just like to say a MASSIVE Well Done for Seahorse Class’s fabulous assembly this morning! I am very proud of every single one of them and expect you are too!

In other news, the last of the chicks has hatched! We have 6 in total and hear that this is a very good hatch rate!

Miss Moncreaff

Can you help us?

We have two problems in reception!

1. We have found homes for the hens at the end of our chick experience, but not for the males! Could you be their next home?

2. We would love to display pictures of men with pens in their hands to motivate our boys to write! Would your Dad/Brother/Babysitter/Dog like to be photographed for the cause? Please send a photo in if you can!


Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

We have more gorgeous fluffy arrivals!


So far we have …




Little Chicky






These were names chosen and voted on by the children, as we thought they were all boys. The lemon chicks are male, and they all seemed lemon when they first arrived but some of them are looking like they might need new names!


Watch this space for more updates!

Miss Moncreaff and Miss Rhoades




‘Chick’ it Out!

Have a look at the videos of our first hatched chick! He keeps falling asleep standing up and is very entertaining! Click the links below to see him.

Video (1)



Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Here they are!


This week in Reception…

We are told that our new outdoor area will be ready for us to play on for Monday morning!!!!

Also, our home learning this week will be to get an envelope ready for a letter to Father Christmas. Please make sure that these are sent in this coming week.

Please note that our walk to the post box will be replacing our prospective trip to Staunton, if anyone is available to help! A letter will be coming out this week.

Keep practising your nativity lines and songs!

Miss Moncreaff and Miss Rhoades