Author Archive: Miss R Moncreaff

Home Learning this week…

Letters and Sounds:

  • Miss Moncreaff’s Phonics Group: Revision of all Phase 3 sounds
  • Mrs White’s Phonics Group:

ai, ea, igh, oa

  • Miss Rhoades’ Phonics Group:
  • oy, ir ue, aw
  • Mrs O’Carolan’s Phonics Group:

a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e

Home Learning:

Have you got any questions to ask your new teacher? Could you write them down and give them to your new teacher?

Remember this little guy?


Look at him now!



A message from Arabella’s Mum about how Jesus the chick/cockerel is now doing…

“As promised here are a couple of pictures of Jesus the Cockerel finally united with (hopefully) the mothers of his chicks. His girlfriends are called Cadbury, Pecky and Flecky (though I personally can’t tell the difference between them!) and, after a few little ‘spats’ they are all getting along fine. He crows from 3am now, all day until dusk, and has a lovely strong loud crow..ha ha. And as you can see, he is a handsome fellow! He remembers all the children from your class I’m sure, and is very grateful to be able to come and live with Arabella, and comes running when he hears children’s voices! “

Our Beat-boxing!

Seahorse Class have been having a go at beat-boxing… check it out!

Miss Moncreaff x

Home Learning

Home Learning for this week…
Letters and Sounds:
• Miss Moncreaff’s Phonics Group:
He, she, v, w
• Mrs White’s Phonics Group:
Sh, ch, th, ng and tricky words we, me, be
• Miss Rhoades’ Phonics Group:
Tricky words do, when, out, what and spelling two syllable words
• Mrs O’Carolan’s Phonics Group:
Wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey and tricky words said, so, have, like

Home Learning:
We are looking forward to our visit to Marwell… What do you think you will see? Can you write about it?
How about counting minibeasts in your garden?

Marwell Trip


We hope you have enjoyed your INSET day! We have been learning lots ready for this week.

Just a quick reminder that we are hoping to visit Marwell Wildlife on Wednesday 24th June. However, this will only be possible if all reply slips are back and enough parents are able to volunteer. Thanks so much to the 3 parents who have kindly offered to help already, but if you feel you may be able to join us, please let us know ASAP.

Thanks and see you tomorrow!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Sports Day

Don’t forget!

Please come in wearing the correct colour kit tomorrow.

Parents are welcome from 12.30.

See you there if you can make it!


Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Summer Term

Hello Reception and Reception parents!

Miss Rhoades and I hope you have had a wonderful half term, enjoying some of the nice weather and getting lots of rest after working really hard. We have been busy bees planning lots of lovely things for you to do this half term.

We are really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, but there are a few things to remember:

-This Thursday 4th June is Green day– if your child has chosen to do sport, they will need to have kit in school and if they have chosen the DVD option then they are welcome to bring pajamas to change in to.

-This Friday 5th June is Sports Day– you have been sent a letter about how to dress your child for the day. Please check their home learning diary if you are not sure of which house they are in as it is written on the front.

-Please do  not send in any form of chocolate spread as there are children with severe nut allergies within the school.

-Please remember water bottles, coats, sun cream and hats depending on the day. We go to the woods whatever the weather!


Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,


Miss Moncreaff and Miss Rhoades

What we’ve been up to!

In Year R we have been having lots of fun outdoors, enjoying the nice (and not so nice) weather! We have been learning about growing and gardening through our discovery as well as our literacy and numeracy sessions, and are loving the current topic. Ask us what we have been up to!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Chick Update

We just wanted to update you on our gorgeous chicks on their penultimate day with us. A massive ‘Thank You’ to Arabella’s family who have agreed to adopt our last homeless chick, Jesus. They now all have homes to go to tomorrow! The photos below show you the size difference- the first one is a picture of me at the weekend with two chicks in one hand. The second is a photo from this morning of Miss Rhoades with our biggest chick (who has actually managed to start flying a bit)! They are no longer completely fluffy as they have wing feathers and  a couple of them even have tail feathers! It has been a wonderful experience for the children as they have been able to observe and hold them as they have developed. Who would believe they are only a week old? We hope the children keep exploring and learning about the topic at home. Please let us know if your children have been doing this by putting their ideas in their home learning books.

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

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Chick Update

We have been busy bees today exploring our chicks. Lots of us have had cuddles and one of us was even lucky enough to be the first child to get pooed on! Now that we know for sure that we have 4 girls and 2 boys their names are…






