Author Archive: Miss Rhoades


Wow we cannot believe this is the last week of term…the Autumn term has flown by!

Last week we all made a Christingle. The children all identified the various parts of the Christingle and what each part represented.

We hope you enjoyed talking about the Christingle with your child at the weekend.

This week there will be lots of bits and bobs for you to have at home as we are busy creating Christmas crafts and thinking about Christmas during our Literacy and Numeracy.





Nativity Success!

Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers who came to our Nativity this week! We are so proud of all of the children and would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the parents and carers who gave up their weekends to make costumes and rehearse the nativity words.

Thank you for all of your support!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Home Learning 5/12/14

What we have been learning this week at school and need to practise at home…


Letters and Sounds:

oo, ar, or

Tricky words/high frequency words:

no, go


We have exploring and naming common 2D and 3D shapes and exploring their properties.

Eg circle, square, rectangle, triangle, cube, sphere, cone

Advent Service

A huge thank you to all of the wonderful parents/carers that came on our walk to the Church today. It was a wonderful service and a big well done to Reception who sat respectfully and listened to Father Kevin attentively.

A reminder that RR (Starfish class) are walking to the post box tomorrow at 9:30am and RM (Seahorse class) are walking Wednesday at 1:30pm.

Thank you for your continued support!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff 🙂


Home Learning 28.11.14

Letters and Sounds:


Tricky words/high frequency words:

my, was


We have been ordering our numbers from 0-20

If your child has words to remember for the Nativity please also recap these at home.

Thank you!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Walk to the postbox next week

Next week we are all walking to the postbox to post our letters to Father Christmans. To ensure our letters arrive safely please, please make sure you have returned the envelope we sent home with your return address and a stamp by Friday at the latest.

If any parents/carers would like to come on this trip, please fill in the letter that has been sent home. (Please note the error with RM’s trip…it is happening at 1:30pm not 9:30am! )

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

Our new play area is now open!!

Exciting news…our new outdoor play area is now open!

Yesterday Mrs Phillips cut a ribbon on the area to show it is now fully open. We all enjoyed a slice of cake and time to play on our brand new play area!


The Early Years Team



This week in reception…

This week we have started our Nativity! Please look in your child’s bookbag for a letter outlining their role in the Nativity.

Parent evening slips have also gone out tonight with your time slot…so please have a rummage in your child’s bag!

In letters and sounds this week we have learnt the sounds z,y,qu and tricky words to, the, he, she.

In loopy letters this week we have written non fiction factfiles about people who help us which are now displayed in the library if you wish do go and have a look!

In numeracy we have been matching a numeral to a quantity and practising our number writing.

Next week is anti bullying week and we will be having a big focus on friendships and similarities and differences and loving one another.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff 🙂



This week so far…

We have had a great start to our week with Gruffalo gymnastics and learning all about why we wear a poppy around Remembrance day.

The rest of the week we plan on introducing our new topic of ‘people who help us’ and learning all about different professions through our Numeracy and Literacy activities.

Thank you,

The Early Years Team


Our wet and windy trip to the woods!!

We have had such a wonderful time today! We all walked to the woods with our lovely grown up helpers and went for a wander in Gruffalo woods!! Unfortunately we didn’t see the Gruffalo but found many clues that he may have been there before we arrived…

We saw:

  • A log pile house where the snake lives
  • The owl’s nest
  • An underground house for the little brown mouse
  • The Gruffalo’s bath!! (a big pond)
  • Signs of Autumn
  • Lots of squelchy, squishy mud

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful mummy and daddy helpers we had today, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Lastly, you will find our home learning pyramid in your child’s home learning adventure book with  ideas for our new topic of ‘people who help us’. An overview of what we have covered in school has been stuck in the home learning diary.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Early Years Team 🙂

Gruffalo Hunt sheet for use at home!