Author Archive: Miss Rhoades

Home learning

This week we would like you to continue to revise all of your phase 3 sounds.

Also, if you have words to learn for the Liturgy on Tuesday, please rehearse those at home, practising your loud speaking voices!

If you don’t have a speaking part to practise, can you retell the story of the Feeding of the 5,000 to your family?

Thank you for all of your hard work!!!



What a fantastic day we had yesterday! We couldn’t believe our eyes when we woke up to a snowy scene yesterday morning!

We all spent the whole morning out in the snow, working together to build snowmen and having snow ball fights!

We all discovered that snow is really cold and gets us very wet! We talked about what snow is made from and why we have snow.

We had such a wonderful day!




Home Learning 29.1.15

This week please continue to revise all of the Phase 3 sounds.

We have also been learning about halving and doubling so…

Have a go at some cooking at home! Can you halve that pizza? Can you cut that tomato in half? Can you put double the amount of flour in? You have already put 2 spoons of flour in, what is double 2?

Healthy Pizza Recipe


  • 100g each strong white      and strong wholewheat flour
  • 1 tsp or 7g sachet      easy-blend dried yeast
  • 125ml warm water
  • (or just use a pre-made      base!)

For the topping

  • 200g can chopped      tomatoes, juice drained
  • 25g mozzarella, torn into      pieces
  • Extra toppings of your      choice!


  • Mix the flours and yeast      with a pinch of salt in a food processor fitted with a dough blade. Pour      in the water and mix to a soft dough, then work for 1 min. Remove the      dough and roll out on a lightly floured surface to a round about 30cm      across. Lift onto an oiled baking sheet.
  • Spread the canned      tomatoes over the dough to within 2cm of the edges. Arrange the toppings      evenly, then scatter with the mozzarella.  Leave to rise for 20 mins. Heat oven to      240C/ fan 220C/gas 9 or the highest setting.
  • Bake the pizza for 10-12      mins until crisp and golden around the edges.

Learning update and Home Learning 23.1.15

Learning update:

This week we are revising all of our Phase 3 sounds and have learnt the tricky word ‘are’

In Numeracy we have been exploring positional language such as ‘under, next to, on top of, near, far)

Home learning:

This week our home learning is slightly different, we have noticed many children are unable to do up their zips on their coats and feel this is a really important skill to learn! So, if you could all have a go at zipping up your coats independently that would be brilliant and let us know Monday how it went!

Also, keep dipping in to your home learning pyramid!

Have a great weekend 🙂

Captain Purplebeard came to visit!!

We have been reading the story ‘The Pirate Cruncher’ which is all about a very greedy pirate who is on the hunt for treasure!

Throughout the week we have had signs that the pirates could be about as we found an x marks the spot on our new play equipment. We had to use positional language to describe where the treasure might be.

We then came into school Wednesday morning to find a letter from THE Captain Purplebeard!! We were all really excited about this and had a talk about what he might look like and why he was coming to visit us in our school!

It turns our he was a lovely, friendly pirate and answered all of our questions.

We have been so inspired by this story and have been creating maps, role playing pirates and writing letters to Purplebeard himself all week!

Come back soon Purplebeard!!


It’s so cold!!!

We have had the most amazing morning in yr R! We were fascinated by the frost and the ice and spent most of the morning exploring the ice in our area. The language and conversations generated by the children were amazing.


Trixie exploring name writing in the ice.



Problem solving together… ‘how can we break the ice?’


Home Learning 16.1.15

What we have been learning this week at school and need to practise at home…

Letters and Sounds:


Tricky words/high frequency words:



Practical addition and subtraction eg two bears are having a picnic, one leaves, how many are left? Another four join, how many are there now?


Remember to dip into the context pyramid in your child’s home learning adventure book!

Our mysterious letter!

Today a mysterious letter turned up in our classroom…from a witch and not just any witch, the witch from Room on a Broom!!

She was asking for our help to complete a new potion she was trialling to turn her broomstick into a rocket!

In order to help her we had to think of as many words as we could that rhyme with cat. We were so excited by this letter many of us spent our disovery time looking for objects around the classroom that rhyme with cat and even writing our own potions for the witch!

I was so impressed with our rhyming skills…well done everyone!

Miss Rhoades



Home Learning for week beginning 5th Jan

What we have been learning this week at school and need to practise at home…

Letters and Sounds:

ear, air, ure

Tricky words/high frequency words:



Practical addition and subtraction

eg I have two bags of sweets… in this bag there are 5, in this bag there are 4, so 5 add 4 equals…(count the total number of sweets altogether)


Also, as of next week we start our Revelations unit in R.E. In the home learning diary there is a page set out for Revelations home learning. Have a look at this page and have a go at completing some RE home learning with your child. If you are unsure of anything please come and talk to your child’s class teacher, we are more than happy to help!

Welcome Back!

We hope you had an amazing Christmas break and had a wonderful New Year!

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your kind words, cards and gifts you gave us before Christmas and were overwhelmed by your generosity and kindess.

Now that the children have started their spring term of Year R we wanted to give you an update on the new context we are learning about. Prior to Christmas we asked the children what they wanted to learn about and a large majority wanted to learn about artists and painters! We are therefore now exploring all of the areas of learning through this exciting new topic and even have our very own art gallery in Starfish class!

We will post our home learning on the website later on this week.

See you all soon!

The Early Years Team