Our wet and windy trip to the woods!!

We have had such a wonderful time today! We all walked to the woods with our lovely grown up helpers and went for a wander in Gruffalo woods!! Unfortunately we didn’t see the Gruffalo but found many clues that he may have been there before we arrived…

We saw:

  • A log pile house where the snake lives
  • The owl’s nest
  • An underground house for the little brown mouse
  • The Gruffalo’s bath!! (a big pond)
  • Signs of Autumn
  • Lots of squelchy, squishy mud

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful mummy and daddy helpers we had today, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Lastly, you will find our home learning pyramid in your child’s home learning adventure book with  ideas for our new topic of ‘people who help us’. An overview of what we have covered in school has been stuck in the home learning diary.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Early Years Team 🙂

Gruffalo Hunt sheet for use at home!