Are you looking forward to Monday? We certainly are!

Please bear in mind these top tips:


The weather on Monday is currently forecast to be warm with scattered showers. We therefore ask that every child has:

  • School uniform
  • Sensible shoes they can walk in (we don’t want any blisters!)
  • A rucksack (as your child will be carrying their own lunch until 11.30am)
  • A water bottle (no fizzy drinks)


  • A layer of sun-cream on
  • A lightweight, hooded, waterproof coat (e.g. pack-a-mac)

If your child is bringing their own lunch please ensure it is in a disposable bag in their rucksack, no glass or fizzy drinks please! Please don’t send in a lunchbox or plastic containers as your child will have to carry this round the zoo all day.

Lastly, we will not be visiting the gift-shop as we simply won’t have enough time. Please do not send your child in with money.

Thank you for your support, we are very much looking forward to Monday.

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