Didn’t you know? There’s no such thing as a Gruffalo…

What a week we have had in Early Years this week!

We have been learning all about the Gruffalo and the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

We have also learnt the sounds ‘g’, ‘o’, ‘c’ and ‘k’.

Our role-plays have been transformed into the Gruffalo setting and we have been pretending to host Gruffalo tea parties, whilst retelling language from the Gruffalo story.

We have been to the woods twice this week. On Wednesday afternoon we spent an hour in the pouring rain making the number ‘2’. Today the weather was much better and we found some smashing conkers. We were busy picking different berries and learning about which ones were safe to eat. We have also been rolling logs across the grass and working together.

This weekend you can start using Bug Club online reading books. Your child has been assigned the correct books for their reading ability.

To log in:

  1. www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
  2. Log in using the information on the log-ins page of your yellow Learning Log book.
  3. Click on Bug Club
  4. Share a book!

If you find you are having problems logging in, please speak to your class teacher next week.

Have a lovely weekend!