Summer Term

Hello Reception and Reception parents!

Miss Rhoades and I hope you have had a wonderful half term, enjoying some of the nice weather and getting lots of rest after working really hard. We have been busy bees planning lots of lovely things for you to do this half term.

We are really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, but there are a few things to remember:

-This Thursday 4th June is Green day– if your child has chosen to do sport, they will need to have kit in school and if they have chosen the DVD option then they are welcome to bring pajamas to change in to.

-This Friday 5th June is Sports Day– you have been sent a letter about how to dress your child for the day. Please check their home learning diary if you are not sure of which house they are in as it is written on the front.

-Please do  not send in any form of chocolate spread as there are children with severe nut allergies within the school.

-Please remember water bottles, coats, sun cream and hats depending on the day. We go to the woods whatever the weather!


Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,


Miss Moncreaff and Miss Rhoades