Monthly Archives: March, 2015

Home Learning 27.3.15

Home Learning for this week…

Letters and Sounds:

Miss Moncreaff’s and Miss Rhoades Phonics Group:

ai, ee, igh, oa and tricky words was my

Mrs O’Carolan’s Group:

tricky words: do, what, when, out and learning to spell words with adjacent consonants eg street, spring, think


Number Crunch:

Learning to name and describe 3D shapes.


Thank you!


What we have been up to this week…

Hey everyone…what a busy week we have had so far!

We have been really into gardening and digging this week and have loved using the gardening tools to dig in the mud and look for buried treasure!

In Starfish class we have changed our role play into a mini allotment and have a mud pit and vegetables for the children to experiment with. So far lots of children have been interested in planting seeds and have been chopping up the fruit in the fruit basket to look for seeds!

We are so glad Spring is finally here!

Miss Rhoades

Number Walk

We have been so impressed with all of the children in the year group this week! They have been so excited to have their turn going out walking round the local area hunting for numbers, looking at the number system, identifying one more or one less and looking at missing numbers.

The children have been so inspired by this trip we are planning some more local trips very soon!


Home Learning

Reading Practise:

Please share as many books as you can at home. Spot all of the sounds you know and have a go at recognising some of the tricky words you can’t sound out!

Number Revision:

Ordering numbers 0-20 and then 20-0 as a challenge!

Extra Challenge!

We have noticed many children are coming into school with lots of colds and snotty noses! A great way to teach your child to blow their nose is to hold a piece of paper on the top of your nose, you then have to move the paper by blowing through your nose and keeping your mouth shut (please only try this if your child does not have a cold!!!) Another nice game to play is nose football where you have to move a paper ball/ping pong ball by blowing through your nostrils.

Chick Update

We just wanted to update you on our gorgeous chicks on their penultimate day with us. A massive ‘Thank You’ to Arabella’s family who have agreed to adopt our last homeless chick, Jesus. They now all have homes to go to tomorrow! The photos below show you the size difference- the first one is a picture of me at the weekend with two chicks in one hand. The second is a photo from this morning of Miss Rhoades with our biggest chick (who has actually managed to start flying a bit)! They are no longer completely fluffy as they have wing feathers and  a couple of them even have tail feathers! It has been a wonderful experience for the children as they have been able to observe and hold them as they have developed. Who would believe they are only a week old? We hope the children keep exploring and learning about the topic at home. Please let us know if your children have been doing this by putting their ideas in their home learning books.

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

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Home Learning

Please continue to revise all Phase 3 sounds and continue to share as many stories as you can at home.


In Number Crunch this week we have been halving and doubling. Can you find a recipe that requires halving or doubling and try it out? Eg making fairy cakes and halving the amount of cakes you made at the end?

Chick Update

We have been busy bees today exploring our chicks. Lots of us have had cuddles and one of us was even lucky enough to be the first child to get pooed on! Now that we know for sure that we have 4 girls and 2 boys their names are…








Chick Holiday Diary Day 2!

“We have been having so much fun at Miss Moncreaff’s house! We have been sleeping soundly most of the time as well as having lots of cuddles! One of us keeps sitting in the food bowl but, as comfy as we are, we can’t wait to come back to school to see you all!

Lots of love,

The Chicks xxx”

Chick Holiday Diary!

“We have been having a lovely time staying with Miss Moncreaff! On the way home we were very noisy because the car isn’t quite as warm as the heat lamp. We fell over like dominoes at every single roundabout! Once we got home Miss Moncreaff cleaned us out and gave us some fresh water and food. We have had lots of cuddles and keep falling asleep!

After a lovely night sleeping we woke up to fresh grapes. We didn’t know what they were and kept treading on them instead of eating them so Miss Moncreaff had to give us a bath to wash our feet! We disapproved. We will be sure to write again tomorrow! Lots of love,

The Chicks xxxx

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Class Assembly

I would just like to say a MASSIVE Well Done for Seahorse Class’s fabulous assembly this morning! I am very proud of every single one of them and expect you are too!

In other news, the last of the chicks has hatched! We have 6 in total and hear that this is a very good hatch rate!

Miss Moncreaff