Monthly Archives: October, 2014

Airport role play!

We have had a big focus on speaking and listening this half term and in order to develop our children’s vocabulary, listening, understanding and speaking skills we transformed the hall into an airport and flew to Australia!  The children then led their own learning by wanting to find out more about the country and even asked to write postcards to our class puppet, telling Lola and Yogi all about our trip down under!



End of half term

Well done to all of seahorse and starfish class and all of our parents for completing your first half term! You have been a joy to teach so far and have earned your week’s rest! We have been very busy with our liturgy this week as well as being read to by the year 3 children. Have a wonderful, relaxing holiday and we are looking forward to hearing about your lovely home learning!

Miss Moncreaff, Miss Rhoades, Mrs White and Mrs O’Carolan

What Starfish class have been up to this week!

This week we have been…

  • Learning how to order our numbers and even learnt how to identify odd and even numbers using Numicon!
  • Creating passports ready for our aeroplane trip next week!
  • Learning more of our Letters and Sounds h,b,f,ff,l,ll

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Miss Rhoades

Week 7 in Seahorse Class

We have had a lovely time this week, learning lots of new sounds and numbers. We have been to the woods in our wellies as well as having our photo taken by a photographer from the News (which will be published in Friday’s paper supplement)!

A massive thanks to all the parents who came to our collective worship drop in and to the open evening to look at the books- it was lovely to see you!

Miss Moncreaff


Year R Liturgy

Our Year R Liturgy will be taking place on Friday 24th October at 10:15am in the hall. The children will be sending home invitations this week.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you all tomorrow…

Miss Rhoades



Building Works in the Year R Outdoor Area

Hello everyone!

As you may know we are due to have our outdoor area completely revamped which is extremely exciting for the children (and adults too!!)

The work is due to commence this week hopefully and is hopefully going to last around 3 weeks, weather permitting! If there are any disruptions to drop off or pick up points we will let you know as soon as possible.

See you all tomorrow!

Miss Rhoades

Teddy Bear Picnic

Thank you to everyone who managed to come to our picnic this afternoon! It was such a shame we couldn’t use our outdoor area due to the building works beginning shortly, although we all had a wonderful time in the classrooms.picnic

This week to prepare for the picnic the children wrote a shopping list of all of the sandwich fillings they wanted which we then bought for them. Today we then made their sandwiches and iced their biscuits which they enjoyed with a cup of orange squash at the picnic.

See you all tomorrow!


Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

What we have been up to this week…

This week we have had a fantastic week at school!

In Number Crunch this week we have been learning all about numbers 1-5, exploring what those numbers look like, what each number represents and where they come in the number system. In Loopy Letters this week we have been reading the story ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ and acted out the story in the woods and went on a real bear hunt! In Letters and Sounds we have learnt the sounds ‘g,o and c’ this week.


You may also have noticed our pine trees have gone! We really enjoyed watching the trees being taken down and were so excited to explore the freshly cut logs and sawdust.


Thank you to all of the parents who came to our welcome meetings this week, it was so lovely to have so many of you there. For any parents who were unable to make the meetings due to other commitments we will be sending out a Powerpoint covering all of the information that was delivered at the meeting.

We hope you all have a restful weekend,

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff