What we have been up to this week…

Dear Parents,

What a brilliant week we have had in Reception! All of the children have been so eager to learn and participate in the learning activities which has been a joy to behold.

This week we have introduced Letters and Sounds to your children, learning ‘s,a,t,p’ this week (bottle tops and cards will be sent out next week). We have also been practising our name recognition and writing, creating name labels for our classrooms. In Maths this week we have been exploring measures and even had a visit from a Giant asking us to measure his footprints! During discovery time the children have been exploring new sensory activities such as shaving foam, corn flour gloop, coloured water, rice and pasta which they have loved.

See you all on Monday!

Miss Rhoades and Miss Moncreaff

p.s you will meet the rest of your class next week…how exciting!!! 🙂