Science Fun!

This week our science learning has involved more investigations into making new substances using different scientific processes. We have been investigating saturation point of salt and sugar and how to separate individual materials from a mixture.

Big Congratulations to Chloe this week for her football team who came first out of fifteen teams in a tournament at the weekend.

Reminders for next week:

Homework set for this week – Book review due Thursday 11th May. Online maths has been set and English and Maths homework is in the homework book.

Bank Holiday – Monday 8th May – School closed.

Have a lovely coronation weekend.

The Year 5 Team


Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a wonderful Easter break and that the children are ready for the last full term of year 5! We can’t believe how quickly it is going!

This week we have been looking at different states of matter and whether materials are soluble. Each table had a range of materials such as salt, wax, oil and chocolate and carried out an experiment to see which dissolved, which didn’t and the different variables added such as force and temperature. We also carried out the skittle test to see what would happen! Here are some pictures of our results!

Quick reminders –

  • Firstly we would like to say a big welcome to Mrs Daley who joined the Year 5 team in Cassowary class as the new class teacher. We wish Mrs Jackson-Nash the very best as she starts her maternity leave on Friday 28th April.
  • Homework is due next Thursday. This includes Spelling, Vocabulary, maths paper task and Sumdog online.


Have a lovely week,

The Year 5 team

Lenten Reflections + Sponsorship update

5SC sponsorship update – our final total was £756!!!! Absolutely amazing!!!!

A huge thank you for all your support – both emotional and financial. We will be inviting a member of the Wessex Neurological Centre in to school next term for a presentation of the money. More photos to follow then.

For our final week of Lent at school, KS2 attended a collective worship in the hall to walk the final journey of Christ and reflect on His love and sacrifice for mankind.  We then completed a personal Lenten reflection.


Reminders for first week back

  • PE kits required for Thursdays each week.
  • No formal homework will be set for the Easter holidays, however there are Sumdog tasks if your child would like to do complete. Encourage them to keep reading daily and practising their times tables.

Have a happy Easter break,

The Year 5 Team

Crime and Punishment Day!

Hello everyone,

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came in and helped with our DT deep learning day and also to those who provided resources. The children had a blast working in teams to create model sized crime and punishment devices, they really were outstanding! (See blow for all the pictures)

Just a few reminders

  • Next Wednesday will be the last swimming session for Cassowary (5JN) Class. The children have made fantastic progress with their swimming and will be able to show it off next week during their sponsored swim challenge. Our chosen charity is Place2be that help support children suffering with mental health and well being issues. We are very grateful for your sponsorships! We will be collecting money in the next few weeks, this can be handed into the office or given to Mrs Jackson-Nash by your child.
  • Homework which includes spelling, vocab, maths paper task and online task due next Thursday.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit next Thursday.
  • A big well done shout out to the four girls in Kookaburra class and Miss Moore who planned and hosted a bake sale. They raised a whopping £205 for the RSPCA!

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 team!

World Book Day!

Hello everyone,

We were so impressed with the effort and creativity that went into world book day costumes this year.

The children had a brilliant day exploring poetry and performance focusing on the poem ‘The Door’ by Miroslav Holub.

Go and open the door.
Maybe outside there’s
a tree, or a wood,
a garden,
or a magic city.

Go and open the door.
Maybe a dog’s rummaging.
Maybe you’ll see a face,
or an eye,
or the picture
of a picture.

Go and open the door.
If there’s a fog
it will clear.

Go and open the door.
Even if there’s only
the darkness ticking,
even if there’s only
the hollow wind,
even if
is there,
go and open the door.

At least
there’ll be
a draught.

The children then created their own, thinking about the message they wanted to give their reader – be brave even when times get tough, just open the door.

Next week’s reminders –

  • Homework is due Thursday 16th March 2023. This includes spelling, vocabulary, maths (paper task and online) and RE homework
  • Please bring in any sponsorship money for 5sc swimming . To be handed into the office or to Miss Stapley.
  • Reading passports deadline is Friday 17th March.
  • Year 5 house team Football competition is on Friday 17th March. Please send pupils in their PE kits and shinpads. NO STUDS.
  • Last week, pupils were given a letter about our DT learning day which is on Monday 20th March. If you would like to join us in the morning to assit the pupils with making their crime and punishment devices please let us know. Also a list of DT resources was attached to the letter. We would be very grateful if pupils could bring in any of these resources to help on the day.

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 team

Music to our ears!

Last week was music deep learning day! The children ad so much fun exploring instruments, looking at key skills and vocabulary such as timbre, ostinato, dynamics etc and reviewing different pieces of music.

We began the day by listening to the ensemble ‘Deepest Relaxing Ambient Music Angelic Choir from Outer Space’. As they were listening, they drew what came to their minds. 

We then introduced the children tot he different components that make up an ensemble, they needed to use their acute hearing and identify the different layers of sound. Next, they explored different instruments which made it easier for them to identify the sounds within the piece.

Pupils then worked in teams to create their own piece and needed to think about the desired effect they wanted to create for their audience.

The pupils then performed their pieces to the year group and had super fun when watching their recorded pieces with all the green screen excitement!



  • House team football competition is this Friday 3rd March. If your pupil has signed up to this, please send them with their pe kits, trainers (no studs) and shin pads.
  • Thank you for all the effort that has gone into World book day – check out next week’s blog to see our outfits!
  • Homework is due Thursday 9th March. This includes a book review, vocab, spelling, maths paper task and maths online task.
  • Parent’s evening is taken place on Tuesday 7th March and Wednesday 8th March. Please ensure that you have booked an appointment using School Cloud. Please contact the office if you have any issues.


Have a lovely weekend

Year 5 team


Measures in Maths

This week in Maths the children have been estimating and measuring capacity in their maths lessons to apply their conversion skills from mls to litres. They will use these maths skills to further apply to their problem solving next week.

Also a special shoutout to our very talented students who performed ‘Amazing Grace’ ‘Geese in a Bog’  to the year 5 classes so beautifully. It really inspired the pupils and set us off to a great start on our music deep learning day on Friday. So keep your eyes peeled next week to see what we got up to!

Reminders for next week:

Please continue to bring in sponsorship money collected for  5SC’s sponsored swim.

World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March – children to dress up in their favourite book character.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Sponsored Swim 5SC

Dear Parents,

5SC have completed their swimming lessons for this half term and they have swam a total of nearly 700 lengths between the whole class!!

A fantastic well done, not just for this session, but for the whole 6 weeks where they have made such great progress from gaining water confidence, to improving their swimming strokes and stamina, to learning the butterfly stroke! The children received their swimming certificates today. The swimming teachers have also been so complimentary about the children’s behaviour and attitudes towards the lessons. A big pat on the back to the children for representing St Peter’s so beautifully.

Please now start to collect in your sponsorship money and return after half term in a named envelope with the sponsorship form where the lovely ladies in the office will provide us with a grand total.

Many thanks for your support to encourage the children to use their actions for the benefit of others.

Have a lovely half term,

Miss Stapley

That’s a Wrap!

Hello everyone,

What a busy half term it has been! The children have learnt so much from swimming strokes, to sewing, to space, to Macbeth. We hope you’re excited for next term where we will be learning about fractions, decimals and percentages, poetry, crime and punishment and so much more! Keep an eye out for our DT day where will we be inviting parents to come along and help with the pupils gruesome designs!

Some polite reminders for upcoming dates,

  • Friday 10th February 2023 is an inset day.
  • Homework and Book reviews are due on 23rd February 2023.
  • Please continue to use Padlet to add extra book reviews – see link on previous blog.
  • Please continue to practise your soundchecks on TTR.
  • 5JN will start their swimming lessons on Wednesday 22nd February 2023. Please send children in with correct swimming costumes, googles and nose plugs if necessary.
  • Thank you to Father Jeremy, the pupils and all the parents and friends who joined us for our year 5-6 mass this week.

We hope that you all have a wonderful and well deserved half term, we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 20th February 2023 .

Here is just a small snippet of the fun we have had this term!

Dark Skies and Jaffa Moons

This week the children have been continue to explore Space in science and we looked at the moon orbit around the earth and the different phases we see during its lunar orbit. We then made these phases out of jaffa cakes. The children then got to eat their own jaffa cake moon and we have never seen moons eaten that quickly before!!

We are very lucky to live in such close proximity to a Dark Skies National Park – the South Downs. The park’s Dark Skies Festival is beginning this weekend and runs from 4th – 17th February 2023. There are lots of free family activities and events available. Further information is available from

Reminders for next week:

  • Year 5 and 6 Mass – Tuesday 7th February at 9.15am – all families welcome.
  • Last swimming lesson for 5SC – Wednesday 8th February
  • PE kits for both 5SC and 5JN for CM Sports PE session
  • Inset Day – Friday 10th February


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 Team