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I saw the crescent… we saw the whole of the moon!

Our last week of term was busy as usual, completing our poems based on Macbeth and playing with Haikus. The children loved the creativity of poetry and it has inspired many to create their own poems independently as well as read more poetry in class.

In science we completed our space topic by looking at the phases of the moon and how they are created each month. The children have been looking at the moon and completing a moon diary. One Year 5 pupil took his telescope out in the garden this week and viewed the ‘snow moon’ through the lens and took some pictures. What an incredible experience up close up!


In class, to end our science lesson, we created the moon phases with jaffa cakes. The children were very excited and inspired to eat the moon!!


No formal home learning set over half term but we have given the children some pointers for reading, times tables, spellings (which is stuck in their home learning journals) if they are bored! We also gave out the Egyptian topic creative tasks if the children were feeling inspired next week, before we start this topic in school after half term.

PE for all year 5 is on Wednesday 2nd March and Swimming for 5E on Thursday 3rd March.

World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March – children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character.


Have a great half term week.

See you on Monday 28th February.

The Year 5 Team


Towerblocks and services.

On Monday, we were really lucky to have Polly Ho-Yen visit school. She is the author of books we have been reading in Guided Reading lessons and as one of our ‘Must Read’ texts. She gave a general presentation about her life, her way of writing and the books she has published to years 5 and 6 before spending time with each of the Year 5 classes in workshops.



Later on, she signed copies of her books.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Mass at school looking particularly at the missionary work by St Peter and St Paul.



Homework and Reading Journals are due Thursday 17th February.

5E will need their swimming kits for Thursday 17th February, ready for their first swimming session.

5SC will need to wear their P.E. kits to school for Monday 14th February.

Don’t forget that Friday 18th February will be an INSET, so school will be closed to pupils on that day.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 5 Team

What a creative week…

We have had a creative week in Year 5 – amazing solar system models created by Ruby, Jonah, Noah and Pheobe for home learning, linking to our Space topic.  So much attention was put into creating these and the children have been so inspired by this topic. Jonah’s model was created using a 3D printer – a real piece of engineering.


We also created a ‘blanket of care’ as part of our Oscar Romero week. The children wrote prayers on each patchwork square and then Mrs Moore stitched them together with wool and love. We displayed it on our R.E. board to remind us of other communities beyond our self.


Monday 7th February – Author visit by Polly Ho-Yen. If you have already bought a book by Polly Ho-Yen, the children can get it signed by the author on the day so bring in to school on Monday.

Year 5/6 Mass is in school on Tuesday 8th February.

PE kits to be worn for 5SC and 5E on Wednesday 9th February with CM Sports.

Last swimming lesson for 5SC on Thursday 10th February.

Homework (online on Sumdog and in homework books) is due on Thursday 10th February.


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 Team


Cyber safety

This week we hosted Lee Hayward, a cyber-safety consultant. His presentation to us was about spotting the signs of fake social media content and the dangers that accompany this, and how to keep ourselves safe by not making friends/ communicating with unknown individuals.

We then spent time during a PDL lesson reinforcing the learning we gained in our Cyber Safety talk. We discussed how we could stay safe in scenarios set for us; we responded to ‘Poppy’s diary’ with words of wisdom and then created cyber safety posters giving our top tips for staying safe online.


5E will need their PE kits for Monday’s lesson.

Homework and Reading Journals are due in this Thursday (3rd February).

Enjoy the weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Swimming and travelling around our Solar System!

Our spring term continues with the start of our swimming lessons and with the children learning about space.

After a few nervous butterflies, the children are really loving our swimming lessons and we can really tell the difference in water confidence and technique in just three lessons. Being confident in and around water is one of the most important skills we can give to our children and Year 5 have been showing great courage, resilience and enthusiasm to become more skilled each week. It is always a joy to watch this progress. The photos are of our first swimming lesson and these will be compared to the photos from our last swimming lessons to show the children how much progress they have made.

Our new science topic learning about Space has really sparked curiosity and excitement from the children. This was enhanced by our Winchester Science trip last week. We have been learning about our solar system and how and why the planets orbit the sun. Lots of questions have been asked and like the universe, one question leads onto infinite other questions. I would encourage your child to explore the following website – a brilliant, interactive way of travelling around the entire universe exploring and learning about planets, stars, constellations, asteroids and much more.


PE kits to be worn Wednesday 26th January for PE with CM Sports.

Thursday 27th January – Swimming for 5SC.


Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Space cowboys.

We visited Winchester Science Museum on Tuesday this week as part of our Space Topic and to support the curriculum work we are doing in Science. While there, we explored the space section downstairs and enjoyed trying out the exhibits upstairs. Our Rocket Workshop allowed us to create our own rockets, which we powered by a gas being lit. We had to see how far they could travel. Sitting in the Planetarium was out of this world! We learnt a huge number of facts and loved the feeling of travelling through space in order to see the other planets and beyond.



Have an enjoyable weekend,

The Year 5 Team

We’re simply having a wonderful end of term!

Our last week of term has been extremely busy, but lots of fun, as we go towards the Christmas holidays!


We completed our ukulele lessons in Music for this term. The children have learned so much: different chords, keeping in time with a rhythm, learning different tunes and composing using the learned chords. Today, in the absence of their parent concert, we performed in class.


Today was our KS2 Christmas lunch. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner and pudding and some of us even accessorised for the occasion. Not sure how much work we can complete in the afternoon with full stomachs! Even the adults!


Today was our Panto day (oh no it wasn’t!) We watched Goldilocks, Adventures of a Porridge Thief. It was amazingly funny and the children loved joining in especially with the songs. It got everyone in the Christmas mood especially when Joe Wicks made an appearance!


Our last day of term has been busy finishing our Pandora leaflets and then a few Christmas activities. We ended the day with a Christmas carol concert.



**Reminders for early January 2022:

  • No homework to be set over the Christmas holidays. Encourage your child to keep reading and practising their target times tables.
  • 5SC Swimming kits are needed on Thursday 6th January. Remember to pack a swim hat, goggles and a towel.

*Any swimming consent forms, especially for 5SC, need to be handed in as soon as possible.

  • Winchester Science Museum trip – Tuesday 11th January. Any parents will to help, please indicate on the return slip.

All that remains is to wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy Christmas. Thank you for your support this term and we will see you on Tuesday 4th January 2022. Happy New Year!

Best wishes,

The Year 5 Team



Congratulations to Kiera, Eva, Max and Johan!

They were pulled out of the hat to see ‘Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World’, as a reward for completing the Reading Passport Challenge. They will be going to Chichester Festival Theatre in January to see the show. Well done to all the children who completed the challenge and handed in their Reading Passports.

Incy Wincy Spider…

On Thursday we went onto the school grounds to see what creatures we could find as part of our long term study in Science. We had a great time looking for all sorts of creatures, finding spiders, slugs, centipedes, woodlice and flies (which were quite hard to catch!). We will be looking at the habitats where we found them and seeing how the habitat will change over the year and whether the creatures remain in the same place.

We think Sophie was a little scared of the spider!

Today, we wore our Christmas jumpers and bought in items for the ‘Love Christmas’ campaign. Thank you very much for all the donations made – it will really help to make someone’s Christmas that little bit better.


Homework (red books) are due in on Thursday 16th December.

Reading Journals (yellow books) are due in on Thursday 6th January.

P.E. kits are needed on Wednesday 15th December.

*Any swimming consent forms, especially for 5SC need to be handed in as soon as possible.

Have a peaceful weekend and prepare yourselves for Gaudete Sunday,

The Year 5 Team

Our first week of Advent…it’s the season of love and understanding.

As we begin the first week of Advent, we have had a busy week…

Monday saw Year 5 take part in a Speed Ops morning, with the local police force, to talk to motorists who were exceeding the 30mph speed limit outside the school, along Stakes Hill Road. Although the temperature was very cold, the children enjoyed the experience of being able to ask motorists to reflect on the consequences of speeding. Some children even got to operate a speed gun!

Tuesday saw years 3-6 celebrate our Advent Mass at Sacred Heart Church. It was a lovely reflective message of hope as we enter the period of Advent. A huge thank you to all parents who helped walk the children to the church.

And finally…

A huge congratulation to Jasmine and Connie for their amazing trophy haul from a recent weekend dance competition. They won the trophies for various catergories including streetdance, solo, disco and slow.  Incredible achievement! Well done and maybe we are looking at future Strictly Come Dancing professionals! Keep dancing…


  • Reading Passport deadline to complete and return to class teacher is Wednesday 8th December.
  • P.E. kits are needed on Monday 6th December.
  • Homework (red book) is due in on Thursday 9th December.
  • Reading Journals are due in on Thursday 9th December.
  • Christmas Jumper Day is on Friday 10th December. Details to follow from Mr Cunningham with regards a charitable donation.

Advanced notice for upcoming dates:

  • KS2 Christmas Lunch – Tuesday 14th December.
  • Inset Day – Friday 17th December (Last day of term – Thursday 16th December)

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team