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Celebrations abound.

Today we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We wore read, white and blue to start the celebrations before learning all about the Queen’s long reign.

We looked at how life has changed during her reign and what important events have taken place during her lifetime. Then we drew pictures of the Queen in the style of Andy Warhol’s pop art.


We also celebrated coming second in the door decorating competition, with our British tea party invitation to the people of the Commonwealth.


Later on, we played ‘place the crown on the Queen’s head’ and ‘pin the tail to the corgi’, as well as having a few more hotly contested marble games. Huge thanks to the kitchen staff, who provided us all with a decorated biscuit to celebrate.



Homework – just keep up to date with times tables, Y5/6 spellings and reading.

P.E. kits will be needed on the first Monday back (6th June).

Please remember to hand in Chichester Harbour slips and/ or pay on Scopay.

Have a restful half term,

The Year 5 Team

Flying into the future.

At the end of last week, we attended a STEM morning at Oaklands where BAE Systems presented a roadshow about magnets and electromagnetism. It was great fun and very informative. It also gave us a chance to peek into secondary school science and future careers.

 Before all the Year 8’s joined us!

On Tuesday on wwe celebrated Mass at Sacred Heart with Years 3 and 4. It was lovely to be back in church, celebrating a Mass, with other year groups again. Well done to our readers and servers, who supported the Mass. Thanks to the various family members who walked with us to church, on what turned out to be a very warm day.


Homework is due on Thursday 26th May, as is a book review.

P.E. kits will be needed on Wednesday 25th May.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team


Calm stitching – positive mental and creative vibes!

This week saw Year 5 complete and evaluate their Egyptian textiles project. The children have worked hard to design using ancient Egyptian culture as a stimulus. Children were inspired by the gods and goddesses, pyramids, Tutankhamun’s death mask and the different colours in ancient Egyptian culture. They then joined the different fabrics together using a variety of stitches. All the children enjoyed the calm atmosphere whilst sewing and found the process relaxing for both body and mind.

Reminders for next week:

  • Homework set and due in Thursday 19th May.
  • PE kits to be worn Monday 16th May.
  • Year 3, 4 and 5 Mass at Sacred Heart Church is on Tuesday 17th May at 10am.  All welcome. If you are able to help walk the children to the church, please let your child’s class teacher know or speak to the office staff. The more walkers, the merrier! All help greatfully received.
  • Class photos will take place on Wednesday 18th May. Please ensure your child has a jumper or cardigan on that day for the photo.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 Team

And the drum beat goes like this…

As we fully immerse ourselves into our country study and Indian culture, we have had a drumming workshop this week. During our drumming workshop, we learnt to play musical patterns on the djembe and traditional Indian drums and play as an orchestra. The children enjoyed playing the rhythmic patterns.

Reminders for next week:

PE kits need to be worn on Wednesday 11th May.

Homework is due in on Thursday 12th May.

A book review is due in by Thursday 12th May.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team

An amazing start to our summer term!

Year 5 have began the new term with a bang of creativity!!!

India Day on Tuesday began our country topic with Diya painting and Indian dancing and tasting Indian spices and foods whilst the end of this week saw the children creating and sewing their Egyptian textiles for DT.



Homework resumes this week – Homework  is due on Thursday 5th May.

Book reviews are due on Thursday 12th May

No PE next week due to Bank Holiday Monday.

We have had a large number of children complaining of itchy, sore eyes, especially in the afternoons. They are now back on the field for lunchtime. If your child suffers from hayfever, please ensure they have been given an antihistamine before school as pollen levels will continue to rise. Thank you.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend. See you Tuesday.

The Year 5 Team

I am the way, the truth and the light

Because we will not be at school during Holy Week, we have watched 3 very powerful Passion plays enacted by children from Years 5 and 6. They have really made us think about what Jesus did for us.

We have also taken part in the Way of the Cross, reflecting at four of the stations. This prayer pilgrimage is a powerful way to grow closer to Jesus, knowing we walk beside him in faith and love. We ended our short pilgrimage with a penetential liturgy to say sorry for our wrong choices.



Have a peaceful and restful Easter,

The Year 5 Team

The prodigal son returns…

Something the children have really enjoyed this year is developing their own pupil-led worships from the weekly gospel. They have really enjoyed creating a prayer arch and ringing a bell to enter the class to gather for worship. This week, the parable of the prodigal son reminds us, as Christians, that each person is precious to God, who celebrates the return of one who is lost. The group this week chose to act out the parable as part of their worship. At the end of the worship, the children enjoy choosing a song to sing.


No PE next week for 5SC on Monday as they will be performing their passion play on Monday 4th April at 2pm.

No swimming for 5E next week as lessons have finished.

Both Homework and Reading journals to be handed in by Thursday 7th April.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Lines, sieving and action!

This week we have been busy thinking about action scenes and dialogue for our narratives, based on Ruin. We’ve worked on using line graphs and tables to find comparisons, sum and difference between data. In Science we investigated how to separate a solution – so far, we’ve managed to separate the soil and sand from the solution. Now we’re using evaporation to separate the water and salt.

We were lucky enough to have Mrs Richardson from Oaklands music department come over and work with us, helping us to sing harmonies, rounds and then we started to learn ‘We Are the Champions’ by Queen.


Well done to Eva, who completed her moon diary and bought it back into school. A dedicated piece of moon watching!

** Reminders:

  • The clocks go forward this Sunday.

  • Both classes will need their P.E. kits on Wednesday 30th March, with CM Sports.

  • 5E need their swimming kits, for their last swimming session, on Thursday 31st March.

  • Homework is due on Thursday 31st March.

  • The next book review is not due until Thursday 7th April.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 Team





Saturation, this week, on the playground and in the classroom…

Thank goodness we end the week with beautiful, blue skies after Wednesday’s torrential weather. Science this week saw the children investigating the saturation point of both salt and sugar in our change of materials unit. The children are really enjoying the practical work and are increasing their knowledge and disciplinary skills. Next week we move on to seperating mixtures.

We found out that sugar has a higher saturation point than salt.  We concluded that the solubility of sugar increases much more than the solubility of salt as the temperature of the water increases.


Home learning books to be returned Thursday 24th March. No book review due next week.

PE for 5SC is Monday 21st March and Swimming for 5E is Thursday 24th March.


Have a lovely weekend in the sun.

The Year 5 Team

Somewhere over the rainbow.

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term. We’ve hit the ground running this week, with a variety of activities to support our learning. We also had a lovely service for Ash Wednesday, where we received an ash cross on our foreheads.

We started the week with a maths task that really got our brains working hard – we had to think carefully about what we had already learnt and how to apply that knowledge  to solve the problem.

In Science we looked at the solubility of Skittles, making observations over time about the colouring and size of the sweet changing.

World book Day took place on Thursday, where we all looked amazing in our costumes.


** Reminders:

Red homework books are due next Thursday (10th March).

Reading Journals, with a completed book review, are due on Thursday 10th March.

The R.E. task is due by the Thursday 17th March.

5SC need P.E. kits for Monday 7th March.

5E need to remember their swimming kit for Thursday 10th March.

Have an enjoyable weekend,

The Year 5 Team