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A wild time in the woods! – 5SC Residential Trip to the Sustainability Centre

We’re back from a lovely three days at the Sustainability Centre. It was a packed three days and we were so grateful that the weather was kind to us. The children experienced different activities which included sculpting clay animals, crafting clay and chalk bricks, constructing a clay oven, learning about bush survival with fire making, den building, a fantastically informative WW2 talk with very special artefacts and also a trip to a local farm championing sustainability.  We also had night time activities of a night walk on the South Downs, encounter sheep in the process as well as being treated to a magical storytelling session of local folk tales and songs last night.

The children ate well including plenty of biscuits and have even learned how to put a duvet cover on. There were very few tears and the children said they really enjoyed the experience of being responsible and independent.

Here is selection of photos to give you a flavour of our time away.

Have a lovely weekend.

P.S WW2 Evacuation dress up day will be on this Monday (17th October) – please dress up as an evacuee and bring a gas mask box and/or name tag.

5JN Residential!

Hello everyone!

We hope you’ve had a fun week, we certainly have!

Here are just some snapshots of our fantastic few days away! On the Wednesday, we created sticky mosaics collecting colours and textures in nature, create clay tree spirits, played on the paddock, created a clay oven, made a wall out of chalk and made  an earth bag structure! And that was all before dinner which was scrumptious pizza and salad, with carrot cake for afters! To help our dinner go down, we set off on our night walk along the South downs. We were lucky enough to catch the sunset and it was beautiful!

Day two started with ball games on the padlock after a large breakfast! We then played the bee game, in which we could only communicate to our fellow bee team mates by buzzing and shaking our bottoms! We then hopped onto a tractor and explored the farms on the downs! We saw goats, sheep, pheasants, birds of prey and some of us caught the glimpse of a deer!  Next activity was orienteering! We loved this and could really show off our map skills! We also had a WW2 presentation on exploring artefacts!

After our broccoli and cheese potato bake for dinner, we headed to the woodland house for campfire stories and songs. Walking home in the dark woods was rather exciting, but we were glad when we got back to the lodge for a hot chocolate and biscuits.

On the last day, we woke up well rested and had another large breakfast. This gave us enough energy to go on a tinder walk and how to create a fire using different materials. We then worked in teams to create a den! It was a competition but we all won with our amazing den building skills!

We had a wonderful time and Mrs Jackson-Nash, Mrs Moore and Mrs Emmerson said we were fantastic and went to bed very well!

We can’t wait for the Year 6 residential!

Another busy week!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well. The children this week have continued to work hard looking at diary features in English, to addition and subtraction using their place value knowledge in maths and debating and expressing opinions about the school in our PDL lesson. Our history unit this term is World War 2, which the children have fully immersed themselves into. We have watched segments from Carrie’s War, listened to air raid shelters and found interviews from children of the WW2. Cassowary and Kookaburras then researched the events leading up to WW2 and created their own chronological timeline.

Thank you for all those who attended the residential meeting this week.  If you were unable to attend, please let us know through a message or email to the office and we can email the PowerPoint or send it home with your child.


Reminders for the week ahead:

Home learning books and PE kits due on Thursdays.

Wednesday 28th September: Deadline for medical forms for 5SC residential trip: we need to provide information two weeks in advance so please ensure that these are returned. Additional copies are available from the class teacher.

Friday 30th September : INSET day 

Tuesday 4th October : Open day at School.

Wednesday 5th-Friday 7th October : 5JN Residential trip.


Have a lovely weekend

The Year 5 Team

We’ve settled in to Year 5 nicely, thank you!

Well we have had two weeks to settle back into the new term and everyone has made a great start. New routines and a new curriculum always bring their challenges after a lovely summer holiday of rest and relaxation however, the children are meeting these new expectations with commitment and relisilience whilst co-operating well with others.

Home learning has been returned promptly yesterday and to a high standard so a big thank you for working with us to consolidate your child’s learning at home. Homework in books has been sent home today (due to PPA afternoon yesterday) and is due next Thursday as normal. We have also sent home Sumdog logins as maths work has been set on for the children to complete. Children have their TTRockstars logins (from year 4) to practise their target times tables.

Lots of children have been motivated to start their Year 5 reading passports and must reads, which has been fantastic to see and we are encouraging the children during library time to borrow books to help them complete these reading challenges. Our first reading passport in Year 5 has already been completed by Abigail. During library sessions, quiet reading after lunch and reading at home, Abi has been really motivated to already read one of the must reads, Holes. Well done Abi, amazing commitment and focus already in Year 5!!!

Thank you for all those who attended the welcome meeting this week.  If you were unable to attend, please let us know through a message or email to the office and we can email the PowerPoint or send it home with your child.

Reminders for the week ahead:

Home learning books and PE kits due on Thursdays.

Monday 19th September: School closed 

Wednesday 21st September: Deadline for medical forms for 5JN residential trip: we need to provide information two weeks in advance so please ensure that these are returned. Additional copies are available from the class teacher.

Thursday 22nd September: 3.30pm– Year 5 Residential Meeting in the Unity Building.

Friday 23rd September: Dress down for CAFOD day – £1 donation per child/family


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday.

The Year 5 Team


On the coast of somewhere beautiful…


After a bit of confusion, we wanted to confirm that children will be finishing school on  Tuesday 19th July at normal time.

We’ve had a fantastic visit to the coast this week, as part of our Coasts topic. We started our journey from Chichester Marina and walked to Dell Quay. We saw the effects of erosion along the coastline and some of the sea defences that have been put in place to slow the erosion. Once we arrived at Dell Quay, we looked for a variety of marine life (plant and animal) along the shoreline before taking a trip aboard the solar boat. It was a hot day but we found plenty of shade and enjoyed the cool breeze coming off the sea.

Enjoy a scorcher of a weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Stop, Look, Listen!

Reminders for next week:

There is no homework set this week as we are giving children to catch up on any homework they have not completed. Homework and a book review were due yesterday so please encourage your child to complete any outstanding book review or homework tasks not completed. If not returned by Monday, then children will be given the opportunity to catch up at breaktime.

Chichester Harbour Trip – Thursday 14th July – packed lunch, water bottle and suitable footwear and clothing for the weather. A heatwave is forecast next week.

Road Safety

This week saw the Year 5 took part in an online Road Safety workshop to support and reflect on the messages that the Road Safety Officers have been sharing with the whole school this year. The children considered how to stay safe as a pedestrian and a cyclist. Key messages were to remind us to cross the road at safe places, wear a helmet when cycling and to be seen with high viz clothes in dull light.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Life is a carnival.

Reminders first:

P.E. kits will be needed for Monday 4th July.

Homework is due in on Thursday 7th July.

A book review in Reading Journals is also due on the 7th July.


We had an amazing time representing India during the carnival last Friday – we hope you enjoyed our noisy entrance and our fantastic dancing. Here are a few pictures of our afternoon:


Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team

It’s looking like a beautiful day…

Reminders first this week:

Homework set online for maths and children have maths and english stuck in home learning books as usual. This is due in on Thursday 30th June. 

Additional piece of home learning this week – Children to complete a family plastic diary and bring in for an english lesson on Wednesday 29th June.

Chichester Harbour Trip next week on Friday 1st July. Packed lunches are required for the trip.


This week has seen a hive of activites going on in Year 5 and across the school (Carnival day photos to follow).

Thursday saw a group of children across the school taking part in a pizza making afternoon with UK Harvest, an organisation that utilises healthy food that would otherwise be thrown away and turns it into appertising meals. Luke, Xaviay and Hattie enjoyed their pizza making session and showed off their healthy veggie toppings. Luke was particularly excited about eating his pizza after school.

Earlier on Tuesday, KS2 held their Sports Day morning with the welcome return of family support. Even though the temperatures rose throughout the morning, the children loved the house team activities, organised by CM Sports, and worked so well together to collect ‘pasta’ points. Everyone was so encouraging and their was a great team spirit. The final running races produced its top 3 boys and girls in each year group with a medal presentation ceremony. The winning house was Green – St Teresa.

Whether children were victorious or not on the day, we chatted with the children about the importance of their contribution to the whole team and how that can lead to collective success and a growth in resilience. Well done to all!

Enjoy the photos below:

Feel the beat, from the tambourine…

This week we have been busy getting ready for the carnival on the 24th June. We have been practising our Indian style dance moves (huge thanks to Rose, Ishana and Lola), learning an Indian folk song and drawing animals that are from India. We hope you’ll be able to see us all in action at the carnival. A letter about face painting and clothing for the day  has been sent out, with the children today.


We have also been practising our hockey skills with CM Sports, during our PE time this week.



Children will need to wear PE kit for their Monday (20th June) PE session.

Tuesday 21st June is KS2 sports day – children need to wear their PE kit but with a t-shirt that is the colour of their house team.

Homework and a book reviews are due in on Thursday 23rd June.

Enjoy the weather and the weekend,

the Year 5 Team

Anyone for samosas?

This week saw Year 5 complete their D.T cookery project linked with our Geography country topic of India. We had previously researched ingredients used in Indian cookery, conducted a sensory session to identify spices and food that we wanted to include in our samosa and salad and designed our samosa and mango chat salad.  On Tuesday, we made and tasted our Indian samosas and salads. Everyone really enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about how much chilli powder they should or should not include!!!


Homework has resumed this week. Maths has been set on Sumdog and both Maths and English has been stuck into home learning journals. Due as normal on Thursday 16th June. No book review is due next week.

PE kits worn on Wednesday 15th June for CM Sports session.

Parent book look will be happening on Monday 13th June from 3.30-4.30pm in the Year 5 classrooms. You will be able to accompany your child to their classroom to share their work with you from Year 5. Please note that teaching staff will not be available in these sessions but is an opportunity for you to celebrate the learning and progress over the year of your child.

Father’s Day Sale will take place on Wednesday 15th June in school and will follow a similar format to the Mother’s Day sale. A postcard with details was sent home with your child yesterday. Please send money in a purse or named envelope to avoid money being lost.

Enjoy your week.

The Year 5 Team