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Trip to Chichester Harbour – 15th July, 2019

Year 5 Geography activities

Photos showing some of the activities we did as part of our Geography work on coastal erosion and deposition. Our thanks to Mrs Broadway, from Oaklands, who used her expert subject knowledge.

Friday 12th July, 2019

This week the children have spent time with their new teachers again. On Monday they spent the afternoon in their new year group and today they have had a full day experience.

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have Mrs Broadway, Head of Geography at Oaklands, come and visit to demonstrate the processes of erosion and deposition. The children worked on a carousel of activities exploring these two key coastal processes.

This Monday the children will have the opportunity to apply all their geographical knowledge within the fieldwork they will be completing at Chichester Harbour. Please remember that the children do not have to wear school uniform but need comfortable clothing and footwear appropriate to walking along a coastline. If it continues to be as hot as it has, they will need a hat, sun cream and an extra water bottle.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Sports day – 1st July, 2019

STEM day – 28th June, 2019

    Seeing how different types of exercise affects the heart rate.

Monday 8th July 2019

As Mr Cunningham wrote in his blog, it’s was a very busy week last week. Sorry that this is the first time we’ve managed to get to a computer for any length of time to catch up with you.

On Friday 28th June, we had another of our STEM days – photographs to follow.

On Monday, we had our belated sports day and the weather was perfect – sunny but with a breeze. The children had a fantastic time earning points for their houses and running competitively in races. Again, photographs to follow.

Tuesday saw the whole school celebrating the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. It was a lovely Mass from Father Jeremy and the children enjoyed an ice lolly, as a treat, after lunch.

On Friday, the children had their first transition morning with their new class teacher.

Cassowary class will become Seal class with Mr Pratley.

Kookaburra class will become Penguin class with Mr Land.

Many of us helped with the Year 4 camping on Friday night, hence the lack of blog on the same evening, however we did manage to set some word level and Sumdog homework before we decided to go for an evening without sleep!

Hope you enjoyed the good weather on Saturday,

The Year 5 Team

Sumdog homework

Sumdog homework has been set! Year 5 pupils, please log on and complete the questions.

Exercise fun!

Today we had one of our regular STEM days where Year 5 focused on the Science aspect. We investigated the question ‘Does exercise affect heart rate?’. After making our predictions, we then took our resting pulse rate before completing a series of physical activities. Then we measured our pulse rate again. We looked at the impact the exercise had on our pulse rate and the reasons why this might be.

We also completed a shadow investigation throughout the day; measuring the length of a shadow every hour and observing the direction and length of the shadow.

For both activities we have recorded our results and then used them to create bar charts and line graphs.


Well done to Josh Smith, Seren Tricker (5E), Kieran Cheung and Esther Burrows (5CW) who won the opportunity to take part in some amazing science at Oaklands due to completing their Reading Challenge Passport.


**Reminder – it’s our rescheduled sports day on Monday. The children should have their PE kits from school. They can wear their house colours too. The children can wear their PE kits for the full day. Please remember to apply suncream (if needed), provide a named hat and water bottle.

On Tuesday, we will be celebrating our Feast day Mass at school.

Carnival photos and of our India work

Carnival Fever

Friday saw Year 5 take part in our very first St Peter’s Countries of the World carnival! Pupils had the opportunity to dress in traditional Indian clothing or the colours of the Indian flag, many had face paints applied (a skill that the adults in Year 5 didn’t know they had!) and all had the chance to show off the amazing work that they have completed as a result of our study of India! A huge well done to all of the children for individually working on their Indian animal non-chronological reports and for their fantastic team work and collaboration skills in creating a huge class tourist information brochure on this great country. They also got to perform two Indian dances; a traditional dance and a Bollywood routine – even Mrs Edge and Mr Crozier got their groove on! The staff in Year 5 are extremely proud of the hard work and effort that all of the pupils put into preparing for this carnival. Thank you to all of the parents who helped the children with their outfits for Friday and for all of you who came along to cheer on and celebrate the children’s efforts.

Photos to follow.

Year 5