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History galore!

Firstly, we want to celebrate the amazing work that the children have completed over the half term, researching a person as part of Black History Month. They were truly inspired (and outraged) by our starter lesson about the life of Jesse Owens. They then went on to produce some thoughtful work of their own, which is now displayed in our shared area. You are welcome to come and have a look.

Today we had a History deep learning day where we explored how the role of women changed during World War II.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team



We got there…..

Wow, what a long and jam packed half term we’ve had!

We have completed two units of work in English, based on Carrie’s War and The Day The War Came; completed lots of concepts in maths (place value, addition, subtraction, methods, perimeter & converting measures) as well as diving into life during World War II. We’ve had whole school Mass, taken part in our Evacuation Day and been on residential to the Sustainability Centre.

As part of Black History Month, the children in Y5 were learning about Jesse Owens. While discovering facts about his life we have had several philosophical conversations about what society was like in 1936.

Half Term Homework Task:

We would like you to research one of the key figures listed below and present your information in a fact file/ poster.

Mary Jackson

Louis Armstrong

Serena or Venus Williams

Katherine Johnson

Stevie Wonder

Raheem Sterling


James Earl Jones

Dorothy Vaughn

Benjamin Zephaniah

Barak Obama

Marcus Rashford


Or, a key figure of your own choice.


Your homework is due on Monday 4th November.

Sumdog homework will also be set.

Wishing you a lovely half term with your family,

The Year 5 Team

5E’s trip to the Sustainability Centre

Even though the weather was a little wetter towards the end, Year 5E still had an amazing time at the Sustainability Centre. Lots of activities, a lot of walking but many new things learnt, including about ourselves and others. 

5SC’s Night Walk across the South Downs

What a fantastic evening it was – no rain or wind, just a fantastic sunset and thousands of stars to welcome us on the Downs. What a privilege it was to be in this place at this time.

Sustainability Trip 5SC

We arrived back at school today very happy, a little tired and with a lot of muddy clothes! What a fantastic time was had by all!!!

A great deal was packed into three day this week and the children gained many new experiences which I’m sure they will share with you tonight and over this weekend.

As they say a picture says a thousand words!

Some Evacuation Day photos from 5E

We’re a long way from Tipperary…

We had a really successful evacuation day on Monday. Please take time to look at a selection of photos from the day.

Children will now use their experience to write a diary as an evacuee, in their English lessons.

Just a reminder:

Year 5SC are going to the Sustainability Centre next Wednesday. Please remember a small packet of biscuits (no nuts please) to share with the class.

Hope you have a lovely, long weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Evacuation countdown…

This week in maths we completed our work on rounding numbers and have moved on to look at addition and subtraction. Please check out the addition video in the maths blog, to see the strategies used when adding 4-digit numbers together. Please ensure that your child is using the correct vocabulary when talking through the calculation.

In English we have been working on fronted adverbials in context. children will be applying these to their diaries next week.

Please remember Monday (23rd) is our evacuation day. Children need to be dressed as evacuees and bring their gas mask boxes, that they made at home. Please remember to collect your child from the unity building that day, just as evacuees were chosen by their foster families.

Have a terrific weekend,

The Year 5 Team

We’ve got that Friday feeling….

This week in maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of numbers up to 1 000 000 and rounding. Please practise reading numbers to 1 000 000 with you child, at home, so that they become more confident with the larger numbers.

In English, we have been exploring our novel, Carrie’s War, and empathising with the life of an evacuee.

Homework has been sent out today. The children should have their Reading Passport, spelling work and word level work. Please could you use the word level work words in conversations with your child over the coming week? Sumdog homework has also been set – children all have their logins written in their diaries.

The children need to also read the first 10 pages of their homework diaries and the final 8 pages, including the back page.

Congratulations to the new Year 5 School Councillors – Louis Read (5SC) and James Watson (5E) – who will do a marvellous job over the coming year.

We hope to see you all at our welcome and residential meetings at 5.30 p.m. on Monday.

Have a terrific weekend and enjoy the late summer sunshine,

the Year 5 team

And we’re off…..

Welcome to the Year 5 blog. The children have made a fantastic start to the new school year and we are looking forward to a great year ahead.

Our welcome meeting for parents will be on the Monday 16th September, starting at 5.30 p.m. followed by a meeting about the residential. Medical forms will be sent out next week in preparation for the meeting.

Diaries containing Sumdog logins have been sent home along with new home learning books. The children have a copy of the creative homework for this term. One piece needs to be completed per half term.

Each week (starting next Friday) the children will receive some homework. This will often be spellings, word level work and Sumdog maths. When we introduce a new topic we will sometimes provide a pre-teaching video on the school maths blog. This can be found on the same page as the Year 5 blog. Please ensure your child has watched the place value video this weekend.

A letter will be sent out next week about our WWII evacuation day (23rd September), where children can come to school dressed as an evacuee. We will also send out some dimensions for them to make their own gas mask box.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 team