Category Archives: Uncategorized

The case of the swiftly disappearing cakes…

Today we have had an eventful STEM day, as Mr Cunningham has mentioned in his blog. Photographs will soon follow.

Many thanks this week:

  • Thank you all so very much for the amazing cakes given to us for both our cake sales, which were a superb success. We completely sold out of cakes on Thursday! So far, we have raised a whopping £240 for Two Saints, the homeless charity were are supporting. We still have our sponsored swimming sessions to raise funds from – Year 5SC will be completing their sponsored swim next Thursday during their swimming lesson.

 – A sea of customers!

  • Thank you to all the adults who attended our last Year 5/6 Mass, at school, on Tuesday. Father Daniel was on top form, engaging the children with a song he learnt when he was a child in Nigeria.

Enjoy your weekend, despite the blowy conditions,

The Year 5 Team

Trial by ordeal

In Maths we are continuing to extend our knowledge of fractions. We have been finding the lowest common denominators, comparing and ordering fractions and exploring the different strategies we can use to problem solve. Sumdog homework is set for this week.

In English we are drafting our space tourist leaflets, encouraging people to visit Pandora. Next week we will be editing, evaluating and presenting them, ready for display.

Y5SC are enjoying their swimming sessions while Y5E are being thoroughly entertained and scandalised by the Crime and Punishment mini history topic. So far we’ve covered the Roman and Anglo-Saxon eras.


  • We cordially invite you to our Y5 and 6 Mass on Tuesday 4th February, at school, from 10:30 onwards. It would be lovely to see you there.
  • Please can you send cakes (for the cake sales) into school on Tuesday 28th January and Thursday 6th February – many thanks in advance.

Have a restful weekend,

The Year 5 Team


Inspiration from overseas

A busy week in maths learning to add and subtract fractions, find equivalent fractions and then compare and order them. Work has been set on Sumdog – please try to get your child to attempt the questions set.
In English we have been working on using different sentence structures and punctuation to build strong, cohesive paragraphs about Pandora. Next week we will be planning and writing our space tourism leaflet.
Spellings and word level work have been set and are due in on Friday 24th.
As Mr Cunningham has already written, in his blog, the children listened to Chris Lubbe with rapt attention. This reiterated the learning the children did during Black History Month; showing the inequality that people have faced and sometimes still face.
Hoping you’ve had a crisp but dry weekend,
The Year 5 Team

A cosmic adventure

Our new class reading book this term is ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell-Boyce.

We spent a very enjoyable day at the Winchester Science Museum enhancing our knowledge about space and discovering more about the satellites and the light spectrum.

Merry Christmas!

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped Year 5 this term – going on trips, during the STEM day, attending services and supporting the children with their learning. We really do appreciate all your help.


Reply slips regarding the Winchester Science Museum trip need to be in the first Tuesday (7th) back.

If there are any parents who would like to help out, we would be very grateful.

Reply slips for swimming need to be handed in. 5SC will have their first lesson on the 16th January. If possible, we need a parent or two who can help drive their child to the pool and back again each week.

Finally, have a happy, peaceful and holy Christmas.

From the Year 5 Team


One week to go!

The end of term may be in sight but pupils in Year 5 are still working hard on a range of learning activities.

Story writing in English, calculating area in maths and creating homeless leaflets in topic are just some of the delights the pupils have been working on this week.

Please check with your child that they have an up-to-date reading book (age appropriate) ready for the Christmas holidays. Hopefully your child has also given you two very important letters. The first gives you information on our trip to Winchester Science Centre which takes place on Thursday 9th January and the second outlines the dates and information regarding our swimming lessons which also starts next term.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!

Year 5 team



STEM day eco-houses

Thank you very much to all the parents/ grandparents who came into school on Friday 6th December, for our STEM day. The children were extremely excited to be working alongside adults and we think quite a few of the adults had a wonderful time creating too!

Here are some photos of our day and the end results.

It’s raining cats and dogs…

Although the rain stopped us travelling to sacred Heart we still had a lovely, calm Mass in school on Tuesday. Thank you to all the friends and family who attended.

As you know, it is our Advent Service next Tuesday and we still need parents to help us walk the children to and from the church. If you are able to help, please let the office know as soon as possible.

Vocabulary home learning has gone out today. For spelling homework, children need to practise the Year 5/6 spellings using a strategy of their own choice.

**Please remember that Reading Challenge Passports are due in by next Wednesday.

We hope you are still able to join us, on Friday morning (9.15 – 11.45), for our DT STEM day.

Have an enjoyable weekend,

The Year 5 Team

It’s a bit chilly!

Another busy week but with the added bonus of going to Fort Nelson, to support our work about WWII in the local area. All of Year 5 became ‘German spies’ for the day, in order to find out as much information as possible about the fort. It was a very cold day but at least the rain stayed away. Many thanks to the parents who volunteered their time by accompanying us.

A few photos of the day:

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 Team

STEM day reminder – 06.12.19

Just a quick reminder that you are all welcome to come along for our family learning session on the 6th December, where you will have the opportunity to work with your child to create a miniature eco-village.

Please see the letter for any resources you can provide from your recycling.