Category Archives: Uncategorized

Somewhere over the rainbow

It was lovely to see the return of nearly all the children on Monday morning – so many of them have got noticeably taller and most had longer hair than before they left! It’s been a full week of learning – we’re recapping formal methods for solving addition and subtraction calculations in Maths; we’ve re-started our English unit based on the Ruin short animation film and they are studying the Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen for Guided Reading.

We’ve had a circle time for PSHE followed by a game that involved the whole of Year 5, to re-settle the children on Monday. There’s been awe and wonder at Skittles losing their food colouring (rainbows galore) in Science along with a discussion about the solubility of other materials in water; PE; a start to learning Spanish and, in RE,  ordering some of the qualities in St Paul’s letters based on their opinion.

All in all, a busy week. I think there will be some very tired children this evening!


The children will need to wear their P.E. kits on Monday 15th March as we will be Week 2.

Homework books have been sent home, with tasks glued in. There is vocabulary work to research, spellings to practise and Sumdog activities to complete. This is due in on Thursday 18th March.

A book review was also set for homework but this is due by Thursday 25th March.


Hoping the rain holds off and that you all have a relaxing weekend,

The Year 5 Team

World Book Day, final week of home learning and a huge thank you!

So we come to the end of our lockdown learning and would like to say a huge thank you to the children who have engaged and focused so well on maintaining a learning routine at home and for parents/carers who have supported this extended time of remote learning. Your commitment will ensure that the transition back to classroom learning next week will be easier for the children.

We have been so impressed by the quality of work that has been submitted as well as the creativity, resilience and independence of the children. We hope that this will be the final lockdown for schools.

This week saw us celebrating World Book Day from home. Miss Stapley could not resist dressing up for her video calls and was joined on Teams by Cian dressed as a viking warrior and Emelia who was inspired by our Macbeth English unit to dress as one of the witches.


Please see below a selection of fantastic work that we have received this week – Lent reflections in RE, looking at the water cycle in PDL and considering how to save water, creating sundials in science to tell the time and raining city landscapes in art as well as continuing to complete creating topic projects for Space :

Other reminders:

Bedtime stories are still being uploaded daily to the School blog for the children to view each night. Go and check them out!

Return to school notices:

  • School drop off remains the same from Monday 8th March to the North playground for KS2 (8.30-8.50am).
  • Please pack water bottles for the children’s return and warm clothes as we will continue to ventilate the classrooms.
  • All work books/folders that the children have been working in at home will need to come into school the first week back.
  • If your child has a copy of ‘The Boy in the Tower’ at home, this will need to be returned on Monday for our guided reading sessions.
  • Any outstanding library books should be returned for Y5 library sessions on Thursdays.
  • PE next week is Wednesday 10th March so the children can come to school in their PE kit.

Many thanks again for your continuing support through these different times and we look forward to seeing the children on Monday morning.

Have a great weekend.

Year 5 Team.





We Come in Peace

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term, Year 5! The good news is that we will all be able to return to school from the 8th March. We are all looking forward to having everyone in classes teaching you face-to-face, letting you socialise with the others in your year group and generally moving towards ‘normal’ school life again.

Half term sounded busy for lots of you – walking, cycling, dance exams, board game marathons and virtual sleepovers being just a few of the things we’ve heard about. You’ve come back to learning with renewed eagerness and there has been some amazing work produced already. Please see below just a snippet of the amazing work that has gone on so far.



A few reminders:

The last 3 chapters of Dolphin Boy have been uploaded on Teams for you to listen to. Lots of people have been enjoying Mrs Porter’s story time and have become totally immersed in the text.

Talking of stories… the epic St Peter’s Bedtime Stories is back! From Thursday 25th there will be a new bedtime story every evening saved onto the blog. (KS2 bedtime stories) The links will also be on the St Peter’s Facebook page, so you can access the stories in a variety of ways. We uploaded the links to Teams for yesterday’s bedtime story too.

There are multiplication and arithmetic tasks set, for you to complete on Sumdog. This went live yesterday and you have until midday next Thursday (4th March) to complete the tasks.

P.E. will be next Thursday 4th March, for those of you in school. You will need to wear your P.E. kit that day.

Please keep working through your Year 5 Must Read books as well as continuing with your spring term Reading Passport.

Enjoy the weekend – it looks like the sun will be out, temperature’s are up and England take on Wales in the Six Nations,

The Year 5 Team

Last week of lovely learning before half term…

Well done to you all for again sending in some great pieces of home learning. We continue to have amazing writing about the inspirational life of Harriet Tubman, marvellous problem solving using data in Maths, jaffa cake moon phases, Space creative home tasks, creating coding sequences using Dance Party, reflections in our PDL and RE work and exploring the setting in the opening of Macbeth. Please continue to email your brilliant artwork to Mrs Pearson, who will put them on to the art blog – you may need to scroll down some way to find your piece as there has been so many fabulous pieces sent in.

Inset Day tomorrow  (Friday 12th February) so no work is set and there will be no video calls.  Children can use this day to finish any work that they haven’t completed, if they wish.  Please ensure that the English writing task for this week (Setting description for the opening of Macbeth) is uploaded as this is an assessment piece to see how the children have progressed during this lockdown period. 

Don’t forget to keep adding to the children’s  MOON DIARIES  with the different phases.  If it is cloudy, you have the website to access to see each daily moon phases to complete your diary over the month of February.

New term begins Monday 22nd February with online learning and for those pupils in school that week – PE day will be Wednesday 24th February.

Please find below a wide variety of work that has been sent in from last week:

Have a restful and safe half – term break and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 22nd February.

Best wishes,

The Year 5 Team

Moon diaries

Quick reminder – don’t forget to complete your moon diaries over February, as part of your Science work set.

Maths, Science, History, unravelling the mysteries…

Well done to you all for sending in some stunning pieces of home learning. We continue to have amazing work about the solar system sent in as well as ‘recipe’ poems inspired by Benjamin Zephaniah. Biographies written about Harriet Tubman were well written and demonstrated her inspirational qualities. Please continue to email your brilliant artwork to Mrs Pearson, who will put them on to the art blog – you may need to scroll down some way to find your piece as there has been so many fabulous pieces sent in.

Please find below a wide variety of work that has been sent in:



We really appreciate the effort you are all putting into the home learning – children and parents/ carers alike – it’s not easy to be away from the classroom, constant teaching input and friends or to be supporting your child while also having to work from home yourselves. Maintaining routines and work will certainly support the transition back to school, once we are all allowed to return. Thank you for your continued support.



PE for next week is on Thursday 11th February only. 


Sumdog has been set, with a multiplication task and an arithmetic task. It’s good to keep times tables and mental arithmetic ticking over. This is due on Thursday 11th February.

Please ensure this is still being completed as it will help keep knowledge of multiplication facts ticking over and is a good way of keeping skills taught in mind.


**Reminder – it is a scheduled INSET day on Friday 12th February.

Children who are currently in school will not need to attend that day; there will be no work set on Teams and there will be no class video calls that day. Enjoy a long weekend leading into the half term break!

The reminders when working on Teams:

  1. Even if you are working through the Oaks videos, you must record all your answers. (In a book, on paper, on a word document, powerpoint – however you want to record it.) All the support and challenge tasks are on word documents and you can record your answers on those as well.
  2. Please ask your child to check the POSTS section as that is where we will post additional information or videos for your child to access.
  3. If you cannot access the work via the ASSIGNMENTS tab, go to the FILEStab and find the work in the January 2021 folder.
  4. Next week each work documents will be saved in a Word and PDF format to ensure that all children can access their learning from a variety of devices. If you cannot open the Word document then please try the PDF version.
  5. Please try to check in at least once a day on a class video call.
  6. Class chat is for work purposes not for sending messages or emojis to each other – all your chat conversations are visible to staff and chat notifications can be very distracting for children who are trying to concentrate on their work.
  7. English and Maths will be uploaded daily.
  8. Foundation subjects will have four days of work uploaded on Monday. There will be four subjects/tasks over Monday – Thursday. Use Friday afternoon to catch up on any work you have missed during the week.
  9. We only need ONE photo/ uploaded piece of work per day for English and Maths.
  10. English and Maths should be uploaded by 12 noon on Friday and Foundation subjects should be uploaded by 3pm on Friday.
  11. If you have any technical issues with Teams that you are finding hard to fix, please phone the office and they can support you to resolve these.  Issues with broadband – unfortunately we cannot resolve these problems in terms of making Teams work on your device. Thank you for your understanding.
  12. Remember to save the Word doc/ PDF to your device before you overwrite/ add to the document otherwise you will save your changes to the main folder on Teams and the work is then lost for others to use.

As in previous weeks, next week, you may not receive a message back from your teacher immediately as we are also teaching children who are in the classroom at the same time. We will respond to work sent by the end of the week.

No formal work will be set for Friday afternoons – please use this time to finish any incomplete work.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Year 5 Team

More fabulous learning…

Thank you for continuing to send in your home learning – solar system creations keep coming in as well as other creative homework in the form of board games and newspaper reports (see below). Also some great examples of home learning have been uploaded such as brilliant problem solving in Maths, detailed scientific diagrams and presentations about the Earth and Moon’s orbit and Space and some excellent ‘recipe’ poems inspired by Benjamin Zephaniah.  The children have once again enjoyed Mrs Pearson’s art project- see the brilliant pieces of art on the Art blog and continue to email them to Mrs Pearson.



We are so thankful for all the effort you’re putting in with your children – it is not easy juggling working from home as well as supporting your children’s needs however we do really appreciate the commitment you are showing to ensure your child maintains a learning routine at home in order to ensure a smoother transition back into school.  We will continue to respond giving feedback to work that it sent in. You can upload work daily to the assignment page or class email. All English and Maths work should be submitted by Friday 12 noon and foundation subject work should be submitted by Friday 3pm.  Thank you for your continuing support.


PE for next week is on Wednesday 3rd February only. 



Sumdog has been set, with a multiplication task and an arithmetic task. It’s good to keep times tables and mental arithmetic ticking over. This is due on Thursday 4th February.


** Something we’ve learnt this week on Teams – remember to save the Word doc/ PDF to your device before you overwrite/ add to the document otherwise you will save your changes to the main folder on Teams and the work is then lost for others to use.

The reminders when working on Teams:

  1. Even if you are working through the Oaks videos, you must record all your answers. (In a book, on paper, on a word document, powerpoint – however you want to record it.) All the support and challenge tasks are on word documents and you can record your answers on those as well.
  2. Please ask your child to check the POSTS section as that is where we will post additional information or videos for your child to access.
  3. If you cannot access the work via the ASSIGNMENTS tab, go to the FILES tab and find the work in the January 2021 folder.
  4. Next week each work documents will be saved in a Word and PDF format to ensure that all children can access their learning from a variety of devices. If you cannot open the Word document then please try the PDF version.
  5. Please try to check in at least once a day on a class video call.
  6. Class chat is for work purposes not for sending messages or emojis to each other – all your chat conversations are visible to staff and chat notifications can be very distracting for children who are trying to concentrate on their work.
  7. English and Maths will be uploaded daily.
  8. Foundation subjects will have four days worth of work uploaded on Monday. There will be four subjects/tasks over Monday – Thursday. Use Friday afternoon to catch up on any work you have missed during the week.
  9. We only need ONE photo/ uploaded piece of work per day for English and Maths.
  10. English and Maths should be uploaded by 12 noon on Friday and Foundation subjects should be uploaded by 3pm on Friday.
  11. If you have any technical issues with Teams that you are finding hard to fix please phone the office and they can support you to resolve these.  Issues with broadband – unfortunately we can not resolve these problems in terms of making Teams work on your device. Thank you for your understanding.

As in previous weeks, next week, you may not receive a message back from your teacher immediately as we are also teaching children who are in the classroom at the same time. We will respond to work sent by the end of the week.

No formal work will be set for Friday afternoons – please use this time to finish any incomplete work.

Have a great weekend,

Year 5 Team


Can You See The Man On The Moon?

We continue to have amazing work being uploaded this week – more solar system creations (see below), brilliant R.E. work about the sacrament of baptism, marvellous Maths and some superbly written narratives about the Man on the Moon. We’ve seen sock puppets created from online Brownie meetings and the invention of a new solar system board game! Hopefully we’ll get some photos of these sent through and we can share them with you.


We are so proud of all the effort you’re putting in and work that you are doing – it is not easy being at home, away from friends and teaching staff, relying on parents who may be busy with work but you are doing a wonderful job of continuing to learn and respond to feedback in your work. Keep it up!


PE for next week is on Thursday 28th January only. 



Sumdog has been set, with a multiplication task and an arithmetic task. It’s good to keep times tables and mental arithmetic ticking over. This is due on Thursday 28th January.


** Something we’ve learnt this week on Teams – remember to save the Word doc/ PDF to your device before you overwrite/ add to the document otherwise you will save your changes to the main folder on Teams and the work is then lost for others to use.

The reminders when working on Teams:

  1. Even if you are working through the Oaks videos, you must record all your answers. (In a book, on paper, on a word document, powerpoint – however you want to record it.) All the support and challenge tasks are on word documents and you can record your answers on those as well.
  2. Please ask your child to check the POSTSsection as that is where we will post additional information or videos for your child to access.
  3. If you cannot access the work via the ASSIGNMENTStab, go to the FILES tab and find the work in the January 2021
  4. Next week each work documents will be saved in a Word and PDF format to ensure that all children can access their learning from a variety of devices. If you cannot open the Word document then please try the PDF version.
  5. Please try to check in at least once a day on a class video call.
  6. Class chat is for work purposes not for sending messages or emojis to each other – all your chat conversations are visible to staff and chat notifications can be very distracting for children who are trying to concentrate on their work.
  7. English and Mathswill be uploaded daily.
  8. Foundation subjectswill have four days worth of work uploaded on Monday. There will be four subjects/tasks over Monday – Thursday. Use Friday afternoon to catch up on any work you have missed during the week.
  9. We only need ONE photo/ uploaded piece of work per day for English and Maths.
  10. English and Mathsshould be uploaded by 12 noon on Friday and Foundation subjectsshould be uploaded by 3pm on Friday.
  11. If you have any technical issues with Teamsthat you are finding hard to fix please phone the office and they can support you to resolve these.  Issues with broadband – unfortunately we can not resolve these problems in terms of making Teams work on your device. Thank you for your understanding.

As last week, next week, you may not receive a message back from your teacher immediately as we are also teaching children who are in the classroom at the same time.

We will respond to work sent by the end of the week.

No formal work will be set for Friday afternoons – please use this time to finish any incomplete work.


Have a super weekend,

Year 5 Team

To infinity and beyond…

It has been so lovely to see all the fabulous work that the children have been uploading this week. It is clear that they are working hard and taking pride in their presentation of their home learning. Thank you for your support of the children at home in creating learning routines which support the school day. It is so beneficial for them to maintain a routine of learning and will enable the children to transition back into school life much easier.

A big celebration this week has been the children creating different versions of the Solar Systems as part of our SPACE topic- some very creative ideas. Have a look below at the photos:

Well done for all the hard work that is being done on Teams again this week. Just a few reminders when working on Teams:

  1. Even if you are working through the Oaks videos, you must record all your answers. (In a book, on paper, on a word document, powerpoint – however you want to record it.) All the support and challenge tasks are on word documents and you can record your answers on those as well.
  2. Please ask your child to check the POSTS section as that is where we will post additional information or videos for your child to access.
  3. If you cannot access the work via the ASSIGNMENTS tab, go to the FILES tab and find the work in the January 2021 folder.
  4. Next week each work documents will be saved in a Word and PDF format to ensure that all children can access their learning from a variety of devices. If you cannot open the Word document then please try the PDF version.
  5. Please try to check in at least once a day on a class video call.
  6. Class chat is for work purposes not for sending messages or emojis to each other – all your chat conversations are visible to staff and chat notifications can be very distracting for children who are trying to concentrate on their work.
  7. English and Maths will be uploaded daily.
  8. Foundation subjects will have four days worth of work uploaded on Monday. There will be four subjects/tasks over Monday – Thursday. Use Friday afternoon to catch up on any work you have missed during the week.
  9. We only need ONE photo/ uploaded piece of work per day for English and Maths.
  10. English and Maths should be uploaded by 12 noon on Friday and Foundation subjects should be uploaded by 3pm on Friday.
  11. If you have any technical issues with Teams that you are finding hard to fix please phone the office and they can support you to resolve these.  Issues with broadband – unfortunately we can not resolve these problems in terms of making Teams work on your device. Thank you for your understanding.

As last week, next week, you may not receive a message back from your teacher immediately as we are also teaching children who are in the classroom at the same time.

We will respond to work sent by the end of the week.

No formal work will be set for Friday afternoons – please use this time to finish any incomplete work.

PE for next week is on Wednesday 20th January only. 

Poetry competition booklets have been uploaded to the FILES tab – this is for the whole of the spring term.


Sumdog has been set, with a multiplication task and an arithmetic task. It’s good to keep times tables and mental arithmetic ticking over. This is due on Thursday 21st January.

Enjoy your weekend,

Year 5 Team

Here he we go again…

Wow! What a week! It was lovely to have seen most of you in school on Monday and catch up about your Christmas presents.

Well done for settling into working on Teams again so quickly. Just a few reminders about expectations when working on Teams:

  1. Even if you are working through the Oaks videos, you must record all your answers. (In a book, on paper, on a word document, powerpoint – however you want to record it.) All the support and challenge tasks are on word documents and you can record your answers to those as well.
  2. If you cannot access the work via the ASSIGNMENTS tab, go to the FILES tab and find the work in the January 2021 folder.
  3. Please try to check in at least once a day on a class video call.
  4. Class chat is for work purposes not for sending messages or emojis to each other – all your chat conversations are visible to staff.
  5. English and Maths will be uploaded daily.
  6. Foundation subjects will have a week’s worth of work uploaded at the start of the week.
  7. We only need ONE photo/ uploaded piece of work per day for English and Maths.


Next week, you may not receive a message back from your teacher immediately as we are also teaching children who are in the classroom at the same time.

We will respond to work sent by the end of the week.

No formal work will be set for Friday afternoons – please use this time to finish any incomplete work.

Reading passports have been uploaded to FILES and ASSIGNMENTS – this is for the whole of the spring term.



Sumdog homework was set on Thursday – there is a multiplication task and an arithmetic task to complete by Thursday 14th January.


Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 team.