Category Archives: Uncategorized

Here comes the sun… just in time for the holidays.

Our last week of the half term has seen the children complete their unit of measurement in Maths. They will begin a new unit based on Time when we return after the holidays.

In English we finally met our character, Little Freak,  in the short film by the same name and used empathy to infer meaning as to the life of Little Freak. The children will work towards using emotive language to write a monologue from the viewpoint of Little Freak.

In RE, we have entered Pentecost so the children reflected on how the gifts of the Holy Spirit influenced Jesus’s disciples actions and how Christians actions within their own lives.

In Geography, we continued with our country study of India and used our map skills and geographical terms to reproduce a map of India and its neighbouring countries within the continent of Asia.

On Thursday, the children took part in an online Road Safety workshop which focused on how to keep yourself safe whilst cycling and walking on/by roads.

A selection of more creative homework and work from this half term:


PE  after half term – Wednesday 9th June 2021.

There will be no formal homework set over the half term – however, please encourage your child to keep reading daily and practise any times tables and related division facts they need to secure through Sumdog or TT Rockstars. Also, if they wish to create a piece of creative homework on Ancient Egypt, we would love to see that after half term.

We wish you a sunny, restful and relaxing half term and look forward to seeing the children on Monday 7th June.

The Year 5 Team



Inspirational India

We started our new topic this week and it forms part of our country study. For the next few weeks we will be studying India. To fully immerse ourselves in our new topic, we have attended workshops over the past two days. We did some painting based on Indian patterns, have taken part in some Indian dancing and today, took great delight in making lots of noise with some Indian drumming. The children have watched some of the video clips of their dancing and drumming at school. See below for images of our workshops.


P.E. will be on Monday 24th May this week.

Homework  is due on Thursday 27th May – red book only this week.

If you have a copy of Boy in the Toer at home, please could you bring it back to school.




More Indian artwork and dancing



Enjoy a blustery weekend,

The Year 5 Team

A mummy covered in chocolate and nuts has just been discovered in Egypt!!!

Archaeologists believe it to be Pharaoh Roche!!!

The children continued their Egyptian topic this week by looking at mummification. They were fascinated at how the body was prepared for burial and how the organs were removed and placed in canopic jars… the more gruesome the better.

This week saw the children complete their report on their chosen extreme sport. We were so pleased to see the detail and effort the children included and the sense of pride they took in their writing and presentation. We begun a new unit in English this week based on an character image and more will be revealed over the next week.  In Maths we begun our measures unit focusing on converting measure in capacity and length, using our place value knowledge, and then applying this fluency to problem solving.

Next week we start our country topic of India in Geography with a Diya painting and Indian dance day on Thursday.


PE is on Wednesday 19th May.

Homework is due on Thursday 20th May as usual.  A book review is due this week too.

A poem called Peer Pressure was given to each child last week, please encourage your child to continue to practise to learn off by heart by the end of the term. We will be doing this performance as a class.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team


Walk like an Egyptian…but don’t eat the bread!

This week we have been planning the sections of our Extreme Sports news article, based on the home learning research completed at the start of the unit. We have also started writing our sections , which will need some refining and editing before we complete our articles.  In maths, we’ve had a short break from number work to practise working on  reflection and translation of shapes and coordinates. Next week, we will be starting to look at measure – looking at converting units of metric measurement using our knowledge of place value. We will be concentrating on l’s to ml’s and m’s to cm’s. We will then apply this knowledge to solving problems.

For history, we have been continuing to study the ancient Egyptians through looking at artefacts and matching them to names and descriptions. This has helped us to understand how and why objects were used during that time. We also made comparisons to modern day life, deciding whether the objects still had a place/ use in today’s society. Making bread certainly did but we weren’t too sure about eating the 3500 year old loaf that was found in a tomb! Well done to the children who are bringing in some very creative ancient Egyptian homework. See some of the examples below, with more to follow.

We also had a visit from Lee Haywood, our cyber-safety adviser, who talked to us about how many online sites worked and how we could keep cyber safe. This is very important as Year 5 become more independent with the use of electronic devices.


P.E. is on Monday the 10th May – children need to come into school wearing their P.E. kits.

Homework is due on Thursday 13th May.

A poem called Peer Pressure was given to each child so that they can begin practising to learn off by heart by the end of the term. We will be doing this performance as a class.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team


What did the old Egyptian get by staring at the river?

What a lovely week we have had… we continued to look at extreme sports and evaluate different article layouts to prepare ourselves for writing our First News style article/report as well as practise our sentence structures to present our information about our chosen sports. In Maths we continued with our formal written methods in multiplication and division and applying our strategies to solve multi-step problems. RE saw us depicting the four parts of the Easter Vigil and in History we travelled along the Nile where the children created an annotated map of why the Nile was so important to the Ancient Egyptians.


  • Homework has been given out and stuck in the children’s’ home learning book. It is due in as usual on a Thursday (6th May).
  • A book review is due in Thursday 6th May.
  • Chichester Harbour trip letter has been sent home this week (please check bags). Dates and details of the cost of the trip are on the letter. You can pay on SCOPAY or send money in with your child.
  • PE day – Wednesday 5th May.
  • Please ensure your child has a coat/jacket/rainmac in with them if the weather is forecast for rain as we will send the children out in light rain so that they are able to play and get fresh air. Some children were caught out on Wednesday this week when the rain appeared for lunchtime.  Thank you.

Enjoy your spring bank holiday weekend and we will see the children back in school on Tuesday 4th May.

The Year 5 Team


Answer: See-Nile!

What music do mummies listen to?

Welcome back!

This term we have a new topic all about Ancient Egypt. The children were given their Ancient Egypt creative homework sheet yesterday along with their English and Maths homework.

We have a new topic for English too – Extreme Sports. Our final outcome will be a magazine article, which we are hoping the editor-in-chief at First News will read through and maybe publish some of the work.

In maths we are going over formal methods of multiplying and dividing. This week we have been multiplying up to 4-digit numbers by 1-digit and tackling 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication using a formal method. Next week we will move on to using formal methods of dividing.


P.E. will be on Monday 26th April – P.E. kits need to be worn all day.

English, spelling and maths homework is due on Thursday 29th April.

Book reviews are due on Thursday 6th May along with their regular homework.

Enjoy the weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Answer: ‘Wrap music’!

Happy Easter!

We have not set any homework for the Easter break except reading ‘The Boy in the Tower’ to page 136.

Please remember to read and practise your multiplication facts daily. This will be useful for when we return as we will be revisiting multiplication and division in Maths.

PE kit will be worn on Wednesday 21st April.

A book review for home learning will be due on Thursday 22nd April.

Enjoy your Easter break and we look forward to seeing you refreshed on Monday 19th April for the summer term.

The Year 5 Team

A moment of reflection…

In our penalutimate week, we are being to round off and reflecting on our learning for this shorter half term.

In English, we having completed the planning of narrative writing inspired by the the short film, ‘Ruin’, reading to write next week.

Maths saw the children continuing to refresh, repeat and apply their calculation and problem solving strategies in addition and subtraction before they move onto problem solving investigations next week.

In Science, we having been looking at substances and whether they form a reversible or irreversible state.

RE saw us round off our Lent unit before Holy Week next week. The children reflected on and illustrated their own path of repentance so that they may live a fufilling life. Also, as part of Diversity Week, we looked at Sikhism through Sikh stories and compared how the values of a different faith reflect in our own Christian faith.

On Tuesday in collective worship we honoured the National Day of Reflection in our classes where the children wrote prayers for the families that have been affected by loss during the last year. We hope as a nation and a community that we can begin to heal from this period of uncertainty and loss and move forward into a sunnier and more hopeful time ahead.

### Reminders for next week

PE day is on Monday 29th March. Please remember the children need to wear the correct PE kit.

Homework has been set online on Sumdog and wocabulary and spelling homework in the red homework book. Please return the red book by Thursday 1st April.

The final day of the Spring Term for the children in school will be on Thursday 1st April next week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope we can all enjoy some spring sunshine.

The Year 5 Team



Geography day photos

 We looked at Waterlooville and Chihuahua in atlases and drew them out, noting any predominant features.

Using Google maps, we also wrote the similarities and differences between our contrasting localities.

Finally, after completing research, we produced class non-chronological reports about different geographical aspects of Waterlooville and Chihuahua.

Chihuahua! Geography and dogs…

This week we’ve been around the world, debated important issues, had a taster of Victorian punishments and been scientists in the making.

During our R.E. session we had a class debate based on the question: ‘Should everyone be forgiven?’ There were some very mature debating skills used, with children listening carefully to points made and the reasoning behind them. In some cases, people even changed their minds based on the arguments put forth.

On Wednesday afternoon we became scientists, investigating how materials change state and whether the changes were reversible or irreversible.

Thursday saw the last of our Crime and Punishment lessons, where we learnt about the punishments Victorians used in prisons. We tried our hand at ‘picking oakum’, walking on ‘the treadwheel’ and completing the ‘shot drill’.

Today we’ve had our Geography Deep Learning Day – we have been comparing and contrasting our home town of Waterlooville with the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico. We have worked in teams to produce a report focusing on climate, human and physical geography, wildlife and topography. Photos of our work will follow.


  • P.E. will be on Wednesday (24th March) next week – please read the letter about P.E. kit that has been sent from the office.


  • Homework has been sent out. Both the red homework book and the yellow book review need to be handed in by Thursday 25th March.


  • Next week is the last week of completing the Lenten tickets. Remember to bring them in to school, if you haven’t already.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 Team