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Full steam ahead!

It’s been full steam ahead during this first full week of school. Children have been covering number and place value in Maths while they have started their evacuation topic in English. The children empathised with evacuees through the drama we did at the start of the week. We’ve had some great discussions and questions in History, finding out about the reasons behind the outbreak of World War II and investigated the use of forces in our Science lesson.

Home Learning:

Your child now has their Homework diary. Please spend some time going through the first 6 pages together, recollecting different prayers, going to Mass and life in the church.

Children now have their yellow Home Reading Journal which were given out this week. Their first piece of work is to decorate the first page with a representation of their favourite book or a book they have really enjoyed. It will need the title and author but they can decorate it any way they wish. This is due on Thursday 23rd September.

They will also have received their Homework Book with spellings to learn, some vocabulary home learning and the maths they are expected to complete. Year 5/6 spellings are stuck on the inside front cover and the different spelling strategies to use are stapled to the inside of the back cover. This is due on Thursday 16th September.

In their Homework book, they also have their creative homework task ideas for the autumn term – one piece should be completed each half term.

Reading passports have been sent out. The autumn completion deadline will be given in due course.



  • Week 1 – children will need to come dressed in their P.E. kits on Wednesday 15th September. They will have PE with CM Sports on that day.
  • Year 5 Welcome Meeting – online – Monday 13th September 4 – 4.30 pm.
  • Residential Information Meeting – online – Tuesday 21st September 4pm.
  • Please send in any completed medical forms for the residential visit as soon as possible.
  • WW2 Evacuation Day – in school – Thursday 30th September (Please note the change of date.)


Have a fantastic weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Welcome Back!

It was lovely to see the children back in class in their smart new uniforms ready to begin learning again, albeit through a few yawns! 🙂

As with the start of a new Autumn term, there is a plethora of letters and new information to take on in the first couple of days.

Notices for the New Term:

  • Term dates 2021-22 letter was sent out yesterday for this year which included Inset Days. Next one is Friday 1st October 2021.
  • Home School Agreements and Home Learning Expectations letters will be coming home so please read these with your child as we will be encouraging children to be completing their daily tasks at home to consolidate and practise the skills they are learning in school. This is especially beneficial  to those children who find aspects of Maths and English challenging.
  • Home learning in Maths and English will be set on a Thursday to be returned by the following Thursday. This will be stuck into your child’s home learning book weekly.
  • Home Reading Journals will be issued next Thursday and a book review will be expected every two weeks. Dates to follow.
  • Creative homework for the Autumn term will be linked to our WW2 topic. There are suggested activities for your child to do but if they have ideas of their own linked to the topic then we would love to see their creativity. Expectation is 2 pieces of creative home learning over the whole term.
  • The Y5 Must Read list of 6 books has been sent home. The expectation is for your child to read a book every half term. However if your child would like to read more then they can. If your child finds the texts challenging to read independently, we would encourage maybe listening to an audio book version or reading together so your child is exposed to hearing rich, quality vocabulary and narrative. Copies of the books will be available in the school and local libraries.

Daily Reminders:

  • End of school time is 3.15pm and as Year 5 are a playground classroom we will be exiting the building promptly. If you would like your child to exit the North Playground independently then will need a new permission letter, email or note from parents to allow this in this new academic year. Copies of school letters are available from the office or your can email the office or send a note in with your child.
  • PE kits will continue to be worn in on PE days – Next PE day for Year 5 is Monday 6th September.
  • Please continue to provide your child with a water bottle and if they wear glasses, please send those in too.
  • If your child has existing or any new medical information or medication that the school requires please let the office and class teacher know to make sure we are prepared for a medical need.

Upcoming dates:

  • Year 5 Welcome Meeting – online – Monday 13th September 4-4.30pm (details to follow)
  • WW2 Evacuation Day – in school – Tuesday 21st September (details to follow)

Year 5 teaching staff are  available at the end of the school day on the playground if you wish to ask any questions about our new year.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 Team

In the summer time…

We’ve had a really busy week to complete the end of the Year 5 – we finished off our Sacraments unit; finished off our Coasts topic and completed the RSE unit.

We all wanted to say a huge thank you for the gifts, cards and kind words you have sent this week.

Enjoy a fantastic summer,

The Year 5 Team

3…2…1…Lift off!

On Wednesday we hosted Father Jeremy in both classes. He answered some very in-depth and thought provoking questions about the commitments he made when taking Holy Orders. This is part of our sacraments work for R.E.

Today we performed our poem, ‘Peer Pressure’ by Karl Nova, to Year 4. They were very impressed! We will share their performances next week.

We have also had the last of our STEM days today – making launch towers and rockets. This would have usually taken place in the spring term with our Space topic. They had to make the tallest launch towers using only spaghetti and marshmallows. Later, they had to create a rocket that would match the size of their launch tower. We launched them across the playground to see which one would go the furthest.


P.E. kit is needed for Wednesday 21st July AND Thursday 22nd July next week.

Have a glorious, sun-filled weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Crabs Glorious Crabs!!!

Quick reminders:

PE kits on Monday 12th July.

Last Y5 homework is due on Thursday 15th July. No book review needed.

Chichester Harbour Trip – Tuesday 6th July

Our trip to Chichester Harbour:

We went down to Oakland’s to get on our double decker bus and we had to sit in partners. Then we began on our Chichester Harbour experience, we saw loads of lily pads and houses on water as soon as we got closer to the harbour. When we got there, the other class got off the coach to the sailing school while we went off to the Education Centre.

 At the Education Centre:

At the Education Centre, the people who worked there showed us through a PowerPoint on where Chichester Harbour is and where all the grassland, salt marshes and woodlands are etc. We saw that the water around Chichester’s Harbour looked like a dragon and some people said that it looked like a dodo bird! After the PowerPoint we saw a time lapse video of the beach and the tide from 8AM to 8PM the tide went in and out a lot during the day, then we saw a video of some cute seals that live somewhere around the harbour.


Art and rock pools

We then got onto doing some art. We had a piece of card with double sided tape that we had to peel off then the staff found some interesting things on the beach that we could stick onto our card to make a picture. Some people made boats, some people made animals or some turtles. Then the staff showed us some rock pools, most of the things in the pools were underwater in the shallow bit of the sea or they were on the shore or they were washed up. They had some seaweed, shells, rocks, snails and crabs. There was a certain snail called a Periwinkle snail and it was really tiny!


We then got on to crabbing! When we were crabbing, we stood on the pontoon which was really wobbly. We had some bits of bacon in a net that we had to bait the crabs with. At first our group didn’t have any crabs but then we hit the jackpot! So we got a huge crab! Then we started to find out what was man – made and what was natural. But then it started to rain. Then a few minutes later we had lunch.

 Walking along the shore and fields:

We started to go for a walk towards the Marina, but the weather was a bit weird as it kept raining then got sunny every few minutes! We walked along the beach then got up to the field when there was a lot of long grass. We walked past the farmer’s field it went quite far off into the distance. There were some prickly bushes by the fence to stop people and dogs walking through the field and destroying the crops that we need to eat. We then saw a gap in the trees and bushes, where the World War II soldiers flew their planes through when they had to get ready to drop bombs or something. After walking through all the mud, we then went through a woodland which took about 5 – 10 minutes to get through it had a lot of puddles and was very muddy. We then got to the Marina, and we went through the locks and saw some fish swimming in circles and we even saw a jellyfish we didn’t know how it got there


 Floating houses and going back to school:

We then came across some floating houses and some were very modern! We then had to remember where we went on a walk by matching the letters with the numbers. Then we saw a few ducks drinking the water. Then sadly we had to go back on the coach to school. The Chichester trip was so fun! My favourite bit was crabbing and walking.

Thank you for reading about our Year 5 Chichester Harbour experience.

 Georgia 5SC


Our School Trip To Chichester Harbour

We started our school trip at Oakland’s where we found our double decker bus. On the way there we saw many natural beauties ranging from birds and mammals. When we got there we dropped off the other class at the marina where they would begin their trip. A few minutes later, we had arrived at a field where we would depart from the bus. The walk down there was only a couple of minutes but when we arrived, we were greeted by four of the Chichester volunteer staff.

When we were showed to our centre, we were shown a PowerPoint talking about the beauty and wildlife of Chichester. A.O.N.B which stands for Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We were stunned by the amazing facts about this one place. It was amazing to think that such a small area can mean a huge thing. Once we were shown the PowerPoint our class was split into two. Fifteen went outside to go crabbing while the others stayed in the class. Those of us inside were again split into two groups, one looking closer at all the marine wildlife while the others made art work out of things found around the sea. Outside while we were crabbing, many crabs were caught. One was rather large compared to all the others. We decided as a class to call him Big Chunggus. Once we had done all the activities we went inside to wash our hands.

We were chatting about all the different thing we had done whilst eating our lunch. We had about twenty minutes before we began our next activity. We went outside and one of the ladies called Jan gave us maps and pictures. We were told to find where the exact place was by using the map. On completion, the other class had arrived. It began raining so we put our coats on and set off.

When we began walking Jan turned around and gave us a sheet of paper telling us to find the different sea defences – one concrete, wooden, glass and metal. We went up a small hill and began walking past fields. We loved hearing about what had happened here in World War Two – it was used as an air base for the British. They took us past a woodland filled with nature and life. We had passed many things walking such as sea defences, salt marshes (which bring in 4x the amount to trees and double the Amazon rainforest of CO2), mud flats and fields.

We eventually arrived at the marina where we would begin our journey around it. We saw many yachts and house boats. We arrived at the lock which stops water releasing and opens to let boats through while bringing water in. We saw a white jelly fish and many grey mullets. We then walked down to a stone which was the figure of a head. It was directly next to a waterfall and canal.

Then came the end to what was a wonderful day. We all hope to come again.

By Leo


Our School Trip To Chichester Harbour

We started our school trip by getting on the coach and driving to Dell Quay. It was a 30-minute drive to reach there. There we saw ponds full of lilly pads and small ducks swimming in the pond. A lady was waiting for us as we departed from the bus. As we got off, we walked along the road minding muddy puddles. We soon then arrived at the Education Centre where we met some kind workers who had helped us learn about the sea and which different types of animals live in the sea such as crabs and seals.

We were separated into two groups; each group did a different activity. First, we looked at a tray full of seaweed, shells, and crabs. We looked at how baby crabs hide inside of shells to shelter from prey. We looked at how they camaflouge to look like seaweed. Next we did crabbing, we used a net, a winder and of course some bacon. Crabs like bacon, so we put bacon inside the net and waited patiently for a pull. Most of us caught crabs, some didn’t.

We then were separated into groups of 5 to identify which objects were man-made or natural. We then gathered together as a whole class to share our ideas to each other.

We then started exploring the coastline, we saw alot of seaweed, shringles and salt marshes. We then started walking through paths and exploring the farmland along with crops. We walked through the woodlands inspecting the mud flats also filled with nature. A kind lady by the name of Jane gave us a map and we had to figure out where we were on the map. We saw yachts parked along the side of the marina. We looked at the locks filled with water flowing with grey mullets (type of fish).

A.O.N.B was the name given for an Area Of Outstanding Beauty. We really enjoyed exploring the coastline and identifying the key features of the harbour. We learned how the sea works and what it produces. We also learnt about sea defences and how they stop and protect the land from the sea. We really enjoyed our trip to Chichester Harbour. Hope we can come again one day.

By Johan 5SC

Enjoy the football and the warm weather.

The Year 5 Team

A Week of Changes!

This week saw the children begin their R.S.E lessons with the ‘smelly talk’! We set the ground rules for these sessions and the children were really respectful and asked some great questions about personal hygiene and how that will change when their hormones start to increase. You may have already had discussions about this session as we continue next week into girls and boys sessions, the children may come home with further questions.

Also, this morning saw the first of the transition sessions to your child’s new class. Your child should bring a letter from their new teacher(s) home today and I’m sure will tell you all about their morning in Year 6 with Mr Land and Mr Pratley. Another session is planned for next Monday afternoon and Friday all day so there will be lots of opportunity for your child to ask questions to their new teacher.

General Reminders

  • PE is on Wednesday 7th July.
  • Chichester Harbour trip is on Tuesday 6th July. Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch, water bottle, rainmac or coat (if rain is forecast), hat/suncream (if hot weather is forecast) and study shoes to walk on a coastline terrain. If your child requires medication and it is not already in school, please bring this in to school for the trip.
  • Anyone who has not returned a medical form for Fairthorne Manor, please do so. We have extra copies in Year 5 if needed.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Sporting heroes are off to India

It’s been another week full of exciting events – we’ve had our KS2 sports day, which wasn’t dampened by the drizzle at the start of the day. Everyone worked together as a team to gain points towards the sports day cup. The running races were hotly contested – there are definitely some future Olympic sprinters in the year group – with the winners of the heats racing in the finals. Well done to everybody who took part. We all had a great time, had fun and showed off some fab dance moves too.

We have also come to the end of our country study. India is an amazing country, which is geographically diverse, making it so interesting to learn about. The culmination of our country study was showcased at the carnival today. Thank you so much for the effort you put into the children’s outfits – they looked incredible.

We have started a new theme in English based on the environment and the problem of plastic. In maths we have been finding equivalent fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa, and multiplying fractions or mixed numbers by a whole number. We start our new topic of Coasts next week, with our trip to Chichester Harbour (6th July) supporting this geographical study.


Children need their PE kits on Monday 28th June.

Homework is due on Thursday 1st July.

Reading passport entries are due on Thursday 1st July too – the two winner from each class will get to spend time with a chocolatier, making their own tasty treats!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 5 Team

PE kit

Correction for PE kit:

PE kit will be needed for Wednesday 23rd June not Monday 21st.

It will also be needed on Tuesday 22nd June for KS2 sports day… as long as the weather holds.

Apologies for the misinformation.

The Year 5 Team

Not even hayfever or rain could dampen our week!

Quick reminders for next week:

  • PE kits to be worn Monday (PE lesson) and Tuesday (Sports Day).
  • Homework set on Sumdog and English work is stuck in homework book.
  • If hot weather forecast – please don’t forget water bottles, hats and suncream. If your child suffers from hayfever and needs medication, please administer before school.


As we battled with hayfever and rain during this week, we completed our Little Freak unit by writing an emotive monologue from the viewpoint of Little Freak. The children’s writing contained some really wonderful emotive language which really got to the heart of how this character was feeling. The children voiced how much they enjoyed this unit.

Maths saw us recalling previous fraction knowledge and applying this to problem solving. In RE, the children created pictorial representation of the different names of the Holy Spirit.

Our main focus this week was our country study in Geography and DT with making our Indian dishes. We returned to our design sheets from last week and reminded ourselves of the ingredient choices of our samosas and mango chat. On Wednesday afternoon, we made our dishes in the unity building and on Thursday morning we tasted and evaluated both dishes. It was amazing to see how many children actual liked chickpeas when surrounded by fruit!


Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Football’s coming home by way of India!

Whew! What a jam packed first week we’ve had.

We have been working on converting units of time and using timetables in maths, while continuing the ‘Little Freak’ unit in English – looking at using emotive language and sentence structures to build empathy in the reader.

On Tuesday we managed to have a Year 5 Mass with Father Mark, from Hayling Island, to celebrate Pentecost and discussing how we can use the gifts God gave us in our everyday lives. Mr Cunningham has posted photographs of this event on his blog page – please have a look.

On Thursday we had an afternoon filled with smelling, tasting and evaluating different herbs, spices and foods that we may put into our vegetable samosas and mango chat. Lots of people were pleasantly surprised by some of the tastes – others didn’t enjoy certain tastes!

Today we welcomed the start of the Euros. Most children had opted to play football and were mixed in teams with other Year 5’s and Year 6’s. We had a brilliant morning playing football, showing great sportmanship and having fun. Those who opted to stay in class, spent the morning designing football kits for different countries based on their flag colours. Later on, they came out to watch the ‘final’ of England vs Belgium. In a hotly contested game, it finally went down to penalties. England were the eventual winners.


P.E. kit will need to worn on Monday 14th June.

Reading passports should be completed by the 1st July. The Year 5 Must reads need to be completed at this time too.

Homework this week:

The red homework book should be completed along with Sumdog online and a book review needs to be handed in (yellow book) by Thursday 17th June.

Have a fantastic, sun-filled weekend,

The Year 5 team