Author Archive: Mr Cruddas

Creation Homework

A huge well done for the depth of thought and creativity shown by the children in year 5 who have clearly spent a long time on these pieces of RE homework.

It was fascinating to read quizzes and different endings of the creation stories as well as playing board games.

Just to remind you that the dates of each RE unit are printed inside the new home learning diaries. If you flick through the weekly pages, the new RE units are printed at the week beginning. e.g. next week, we start Prayers, Saints and Feasts so the relevant page is just before the page for the week beginning the 6th October. This section has a page explaining what the children will be learning during the unit as well as some key vocabulary.


This unit runs until the 17th November, which, when handed out, will be the due date of the next piece of RE homework.

Mr C

Welcome to year 5!

This half term year 5 are focusing on our local area and the habitats that surround us! We will be using many skills such as mapping, investigating and comparing human and physical features.

Year 5’s first pieces of homework has been issued!  These relate to our context and RE lessons, the children should complete one idea from each.

our local area hwRE hw


My maths and bug club are now up and running and children should have received their new passwords to access these. Home learning diaries have been given for homework to be recorded in by the children.

We hope your children have settled in well in their new year 5 classes!

Arts Transition Week

What a fabulous few days of inspiration and creativity. The children moving up to year 5 in September focussed their studies on the bright, bold and colourful creations of Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes. We spent time looking at examples of her work, finding out about her career, techniques and inspirations, practised mixing our own colours using the primary colours before finally producing our own Milhazes style creations.

The children in both classes worked extremely hard and impressed both myself and Miss Whitehead with their attitude and maturity. We are very much looking forward to September where the children will be encouraged to continue exhibiting such brilliant approaches to their learning.

I look forward to seeing you all then. Have an enjoyable and restful summer break.

Please take a moment to marvel at the children’s creations.

Mr C

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Swimming lessons come to an end

Today was the final swimming lesson for pupils in 5C (5H had their final lesson last Wednesday).

It has been fascinating to watch the sheer amount of progress that the children in year 5 have made and they should all be congratulated on their effort, determination and enthusiasm.

Today (and last Weds), the children faced their biggest challenges to date as they were tested to the absolute limits of technique and endurance.

All children had to put their swimming abilities to the test as they were challenged to swim distances of various sizes (I’ve tried to avoid using the word length). Some children, who at the start of the nine weeks had never been in a swimming pool before, had to prove their ability by swimming 25 meters. Some had to swim 50 meters, while others were simply asked to swim as far as they could.

Huge efforts from everyone meant that all children came away with at least a certificate to say they could swim 25 meters.

A special mention to the ten children who showed real commitment, guts and stamina by swimming a whopping 64 lengths (1 mile). They were:

Charlotte Knight, Ben Pope, Cameron Tomkins, Rhys Colley and Stevie Clark from 5C.

Ethan Lehane, Emily Hastilow, Oscar Dean, Rhys Woolhead and Sam Wheatley from 5H.

As mentioned, these were not the only children who outdid themselves and it was intriguing to watch each and every one push themselves to the extreme.

Well done everyone (I expect there are a few exhausted year 5’s this evening)

Mr C


Halfords Visit St Peters

On Wednesday, 5C were lucky enough to be visited by two bicycle experts from Halfords Waterlooville.
Some of the class had bought their bikes into school for a health check. Fortunately, all bikes were given a bill of good health.
We were taught how to check the safety of our bikes using the M-Check technique, we had to study a picture carefully to identify ten dangers and finally we split into two teams in a race to see who could successfully repair a puncture in the quickest time.
Everyone was given a goody bag and a certificate.

A huge thank you to the bike experts from Halfords.

Pompey In The Community

On Monday, both year 5 classes had Nick and Adam from Pompey in the Community in school to talk to them about inspiration.

We thought about our dream jobs, who inspires us to achieve our goals, whether a famous celebrity or a family member, and what steps we might need to follow to realise those dreams.

We were introduced to the story Jamie Johnson in the book ‘The Kick Off’ and children were challenged to write a motivational speech to the main character in a competition to win a pair of tickets to a Portsmouth home game next season.

After the class based session, it was then outside (or the hall for 5H as it was raining by then) for a series of fun games based on strategy, teamwork and a little bit of luck.

A big thank you to Adam and Nick for providing the sessions!100_1601 100_1597 100_1600

MyMaths Trial

Year 5 are currently trialling the website

It is an online interactive maths site for children of all ages and abilities. It has a series of interactive games, worksheets and lessons that children can access at any time. They are free to play any of the activities from level 2 to level 7 and can track their progress or play for fun.

As part of the trial, year 5 will be using the site to set maths homework for groups of children.

Like bugclub, if you have any comments or feedback, please let us know so we can decide if this can be subscribed to next year for the whole school

To log on, follow the link above and use the following login details

Username: stpeters2

Password: triangle122

Children have been given their own personal logins, which they can then use to access the homework that has been set by their class teacher.

We help you find the site helpful and easy to use.

Bug Club

NEW online learning – The Bug Club for reading and phonics

We are trialling the ‘Bug Club’ an online phonics and reading resource for all children from Year R to Year 5.
Please look out for a log in in your child’s home school diary this Friday!
Home Learning for this week will be to go online, use your new log in and try reading some of your new e-books set by your teacher.
Your child will then be able to access reading books online, chosen by their teacher to provide an appropriate level of challenge.
As your child reads the books, they answer questions and this information is fed back to their teacher. They will earn points too!
Please take part in the trial between now and 8 June, if the feedback we get is that this is a useful addition to home learning then we will invest in the subscription from September.

National literacy Trust Football World Cup

Here is a link to the World Cup Adventure Story which is updated with a new chapter every day during the Football World Cup, based on the previous day’s games.

5C Swimming Lessons

On Monday 28th April, 5C started swimming lessons. When we got in our groups we started to learn some important swimming skills including backstroke, breaststroke and how to tread water etc. We can’t wait to go back!!! Thank you to the people who teach us and all who organised it.

For more infomation about times and memberships go to:

by Monica & Charlotte