Author Archive: Mr Cruddas

Magical Maths

Magical Maths started on a Thursday earlier this year.

Firstly, we started with games and activities. To be honest, they do teach you a lot: you learn lots of maths and tricks.

It’s fun when we play games because you can play them with friends and family.

On the last day, we played with a giant parachute and two dice. That was a fun game!

By Joey Garvey and Cameron Hill 5C

Year 5 visit Oakland’s Science department

On Wednesday 24th June, 5C went to Oaklands school to take part in a science workshop.

We did two experiments. When we got to the classroom we paired up with a partner and sat at a tall desk.

The first experiment was making salt out of salt rock. We had small salt rock and we had to smash it up and then boil it on a bunsen burner. While it was burning, we found out how to take copper out of a mineral. It was really interesting how you use a type of liquid.

Afterwards, we went and saw how our salt was going. Mine and my partner’s turned out pretty well and so did lots of other groups’.

Then we did our second experiment, which was seeing the cells of an onion. We also saw cells of a hair and paper towels. It was SO good! I can’t believe that we eat that! At the same time, it was really interesting. I loved visiting Oaklands and I can’t wait til I go there!


Aniela Stunt 5C

Year 5 Bikeability

I really enjoyed bike ability , I was riding on the road for the first time and the instructors were very clear and informative so I can get things more easily.  I learnt how to, pass a parked car, turn into a junction ,turn out of a junction ,u turn and how to check your bike.

I really think I’m improving my cycling skills and that I’m improving my confidence. The best thing about bike ability was cycling on the road because it was fun turning and the other things we did.

by James Nel

Homework WB: 15.6.15

Literacy: This week, we have begun to plan our own type of text based on an assembly from a visitor called Richard Hunt on Tuesday. You could try and find some examples of the type of text you have chosen; adventure story, monologue, shape poem, radio broadcast etc and have a practice at planning/writing one of your own.
In SPAG, we have looked at subject/verb agreement, fronted adverbials (when, where and how) and relative pronouns.

Maths: We have continued to look at the properties of triangles as well as the relationships of angles in different sided polygons. Draw a range of irregular polygons (straight sided shapes) that all have the same number of sides. E.g. irregular hexagons. Measure all of the interior angles and add them together. Are they the same every time?

RE: We have just begun our new unit on sacraments. This week, we looked at the symbols used to represent the seven sacraments. You may like to choose one of the sacraments and research the symbolism of it. Can you find stories from the bible that explain the importance or relevance of those symbols?

Year 5 Swimming

This week, year 5 started their swimming lessons at Waterlooville leisure centre.

Children arrived at the pool and after changing, were quickly assessed by the instructors, put into groups and then put through their paces.

5W have their swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon, and 5C’s are on a Friday afternoon.

Returning to school is always a bit of a rush because it is necessary to make two minibus runs. If there are any other parents who would be able to help to transport children to and from school, it would be much appreciated.

Please speak to either myself or Miss Whitehead if this is something you would like to volunteer for.

Mr C

5C Class Assembly

This morning, Dingoes had their Egyptian themed class assembly.

It went brilliantly, with all pupils giving it 100% of their effort and commitment. They had worked extremely hard on it all work, and the script-writing, rehearsal and practice paid off.

Each group chose a popular television show on which to base their act and we had shows like; I’m an Egyptian, Get Me Out of Here, Egypt’s Got Talent, Through the Keyhole, Catchphrase and Fashion SOS.

Thanks to all the parents/carers who helped the children to put their costumes together…they all looked amazing!

Premier League Reading Stars

Over the past few weeks, some of the year 5 children have been taking part in the Premier League Reading Stars program.

This week, we had our very own poetry slam. A competition to come up with an original performance of existing poems, using any technique imaginable.

All four groups worked brilliantly together, showing great collaboration, commitment and creativity when they performed their ‘slams’ to the rest of the group.

For more information’ go to the Premier League Reading Stars website here.

Videos to follow (if I can figure out how to upload them).


Mr C


Year 5’s second hand sale


Today, we held our second hand book and toy sale and it was a HUGE success!!

We had visitors from years R,1 and 2 to peruse and purchase to their heart’s content.

Thank you to those who kindly donated their belongings to the sale and to parents who generously gave their children money so that they could raise money for CAFOD.

We raised an astonishing £80.50, which we are extremely proud of and know that it will go to a worthy cause.


Thank you all again.

Mr C



Speed operation

Today, year 5 took part in a road safety speed operation in conjunction with officer and PCSO’s from Waterlooville Police station. As part of a drive to improve awareness of road safety in the area, the police set up a speed trap along Stakes Hill Road, past Oaklands School and St Peter’s.

Each group took turns at observing an officer with the speed camera as well as conducting surveys with the drivers who had been caught speeding.

It was extremely insightful for the children to be part of this operation and to raise awareness of the importance of adhering to the speed limit.

The children were courteous and polite to the drivers who consented to being interviewed and conducted themselves brilliantly.


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Gripping Yarns

Yesterday, Year 5 had the pleasure of watching a gripping yarns production about bullying.

The play itself was definitely ‘gripping’ and the children sat beautifully to listen to the story of Sam and the problems he was having at school with Snid. They also had some extremely valuable contributions and questions to ask at the end of the session.

There was lots of content to encourage the children to think really carefully about their role in a bullying situation. How being a bystander and allowing it to happen can have negative consequences, that fighting back just makes the situation worse and how important it is to tell a trusted adult if someone you know is being bullied.