Author Archive: clairecooper

CAFOD visit

Year 5 were fortunate enough last week to have been visited by some members from CAFOD. They took part in a pilgrimage around the school and then wrote prayers for refugees. Please click on the following link to find out more about what Year 5 got up to, and to see some photos from the day.

St Peter’s Primary Welcome the Outsider

Bright Buttons

Bright Buttons

On Monday the 13th of June, seven year fives went to Crookhorn to take part in a learning day (Bright Buttons). Lessons included RE, Poetry, Mathematics, Literacy, DT and Forensic Science. In RE we had a lesson on evaluation, including tasting brands of chocolate and coke. In poetry we discussed how poems are formed and the structure of them, we also discussed the most famous poems. In Mathematics we looked at the art of code breaking and we made our own manual for the code we had made. In Literacy we thought about what we would do if the world was ours and if we made the rules. We had to look at if the rules provided equalness. In DT we made personalised key rings using vices, junior hacksaws and Brasso to polish. We had to select a shape then cut out with the junior hacksaws and then sand them for a perfect edge. Finally, we did Forensic Science and we were the police solving a crime using fingerprint matching, microscopes, chemicals and chromatography. After half an hour of investigation we found the culprit. Overall, everyone enjoyed the day and would love to do it again.

By Emily Polley and Claudia Foster



Happy Half Term!

We have had a fantastic heroes week. Thank you so much to all those parents/carers who came in to talk to our children about their jobs-we loved hearing all about what it is that makes a hero.

Homework over half term:

Spellings: Children can continue to practise words from the Year 4/5 word list.

Maths: Any outstanding Abacus/My Maths is to be completed.

Reading: Bug club and book band books to be read.

That is it!

Have a lovely half term!

The Year 5 Team

Year 3/4 word list

Children have now completed the Year 5/6 word list in class.

We will be starting to look at the Year 3/4 word list later on this term to catch up on any words they are not confident with in spelling.

They are here on this blog for any children who want a heads start on learning how to spell these.

Year 3/4 Word List

Year 3 4 word list

Week Ending: 13.5.16

Homework  this week:

Maths: My Maths has been set.

Timestables sheets should have been sent home.

Spellings: Children are to practise their own set of spellings from their reading diaries.

Reading: Bugclub

Please note that Monday is a DT day in Year 5. Children will need to remember to bring in resources (cereal boxes, tubes etc) to build their rocket.

Have a good weekend!

The Year 5 Team

Week ending 15.4.16

Homework this week:

Spelling sheets -focus on tricky words (5C’s words to go home Monday)

Maths-timestables sheets to be taken home. Abacus homework set.

Reading- bug club set.


Happy Easter!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Easter break so far.

We just wanted to say a massive well done to the children who have brought in some fantastic home learning last term; our space display outside our classrooms looks brilliant! We will be continuing our Space topic after Easter. This means the children’s homework will be continuing from their Space pyramid sheet.

Just a quick update on homework that has been set for the next 2 weeks:

Maths: Abacus homework has been set.

Timestables practise to continue.

Reading: Children to continue with bug club books and book band books.

No spellings set.

Enjoy your time off!

The Year 5 team.


Maths: Abacus set addressing learning from this week’s lessons.

Timestables sheets should have been brought home.

Spellings: Silent t work sheet sent home

Continue to read both Bug Club and book band books.


Have a great weekend!

Year 5 team

Our Trip to ADS


Year 5 went to airbus defence and space for our school trip for our space topic. We set of in the minibuses and went to airbus. When we arrived at the building we went inside with our groups and we all had given a lanyard to know that we are visitors. Very excitingly we went into a room and saw two adults ,who where going to teach us a lot more things about space. We learnt so much more than we expected and after that we went on a tour around airbus witch is a very big two buildings. We had great fun and learnt a lot about space.BY ONALIA