Friday 14th September 2018

Thank you to all the parents who made it to the welcome meeting on Wednesday. Information regarding the residential trip will go out early next week to include a final meeting date.


This week in English we have been continuing to explore the novel, Carrieā€™s War, focusing on the character of Mr Evans. Children have been practising the skill of writing expanded noun phrases and have begun to look at fronted adverbials again. In maths we have been rounding numbers up to 1 000 000 and applying these skills to solve problems.


Well done to the children who have completed their first spelling home learning task. New spellings were sent home today and will be due in next Friday. They have been looking at words with silent letters.


This week Archie Abraham (5E) received the golden key award for persevering with his mathematics, to improve his understanding. Benita Byju (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Ann Eldo (5T) received the golden key award for her fantastic school council presentation. Leon Hogan (5T) has his writing on the showstopper wall.


Have a terrific weekend,

The Year 5 team

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