Week 1 – 6th January 2017

We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year!

The children came back to school keen to start their new topic: space. Already we’ve seen such enthusiasm and engagement, and we’re only three days in to the new term!

Well done to children who have brought in great and varied formats of homework, we’ve enjoyed sharing them with each other this afternoon.


5E have enjoyed their first swimming session with comments about how well behaved they were from members of the public. They’re looking forward to their upcoming sessions every Thursday morning.


For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, Mymaths and need to complete a section from the (new) Space homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (13th January). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


Due to it being such a short week there has been no Golden Leaf assembly.


Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 team

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