Week 8 – 4th November 2016

This week the children have been developing their understanding of key events from the Battle of Britain. In maths, we have spent the week focusing on developing the children’s understanding of comparing and ordering fractions using < and > symbols (equivalence has played a huge part in supporting this learning). Also, they have been writing a monologue for the Remembrance Service next week.

We are so impressed with the children’s monologues because they all include superb descriptive and emotive language!


For homework the children have another six spellings from the Year 5 work list, MyMaths and a section from the new homework pyramid to complete before Friday 11th. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week instead of Golden Leaf assembly we had an Attendance assembly where the children who have been in school every day last half term were celebrated. We were pleased to see that Year 5 had the biggest percentage of children who attend school regularly.


If you have not done so already please could we direct you to Mr Cunningham’s blog from today regarding road safety.


Have a fantastic weekend,

The Year 5 team

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