Welcome Year 5



Welcome back year 5!

We have had a great start to the school year and the children have already settled well into the routines of year 5 and their new classes. It has been lovely to see everything the children have been up to over the holidays in their summer learning books and sharing this in class. We’ve been really impressed with the amount of effort they have put into their books.

We have started our new topic ‘World War II’ and the children are really excited to find out about the effect the war had on places locally. We have created a home learning pyramid to give the children ideas about what they could do at home.

We are all looking forward to the residential to Runways End and getting to know each other outside of the academic environment.

The children are still expected to read regularly at home/BugClub and complete Abacus activities regularly. We are updating Bug Club and Abacus so the children can get started!

We will also be sending spellings home for the children to learn every Friday, starting this week Friday 16th September.

We are looking forward to the year ahead and will keep you updated with the learning we are doing on this blog.

Thank you,

Year 5 Team


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