Welcome Year 5!

Wow! That’s two weeks flown by already!

You have all been demonstrating our focused School learning behaviour of ‘Resilience’ these past two weeks- it was SO difficult to choose two children from each class for Celebration assembly this fortnight. Well done to you all! You should all be feeling so proud!

In our RE this week, you all very maturely reflected and discussed how our School mission links to The Ten Commandments, Beatitudes and the Bible and Jesus’ teachings.

We are very much looking forward to our WW2 dress up day next Friday! Including a special WW2 lunch. Did you know that fish and chips wasn’t rationed during the war?


It was lovely to see so many parents at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening event. We hope that it was informative all about year 5 for you. We are sending all of the information shared in this meeting to all parents via ParentMail in case you were unable to make it.


Reminders for next week…

  • Homework due on Tuesday please
  • PE on Thursday
  • WW2 dress up day on Friday

Have a lovely weekend!

Year 5 team

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